Bayou Sun produces round, mid-sized tomatoes around 50-100 grams each. Fruits ripening from green with dark green neck to multicolored, GWR, golden-ochre with green neck. Complex, sweet tomato flavor. A cross between ‘Green Mustang’ and ‘ATVO0102’ (beta carotene cocktail from Africa with nematode and bacterial wilt resistance as well as moist heat tolerance). The two sisters from the same cross are ‘Bayou Dusk’ and ‘Bayou Moon’. Creation of Bunny Hop Seeds, USA. Should be stable by 2023, but apparently, there might still be variations. Indeterminate. 75D. 10seeds/pack
Bunny Hop is a mini dwarf variety growing up to 40-60cm in height. Lovely fuzzy leaves with a grey-green shimmer. Produces dark-golden-yellow, large to mid-sized cherry tomatoes. Sweet, aromatic tomato flavor. 65-70D. From Bunny Hop Seeds. 10seeds/pack
Bunny Kisses is a micro dwarf variety growing up to 25-30cm. Produces pretty little red, oval cherry tomatoes. Strong sweet-acid tomato flavor. Regular leaf. Around 65D. From Bunny Hop Seeds. 5seeds/pack
Chubby Bunny is a micro dwarf variety growing up to 25-30cm in height and spreads a bit width-wish. Lovely, robust little plants. Produces golden-yellow, chubby-oblate cherry tomatoes, a bit looking like tiny beefsteaks. Sweet and aromatic tomato flavor. 65-70D. From Bunny Hop Seeds. 10seeds/pack
Fat Frog is a micro dwarf, growing to 20-30cm in height. It is a unique variety with green fruits and okra-green-brown flesh. The large cherry tomatoes have a flavor that resembles grapes. Creation of Bunny Hop Seeds. USA. Determinate. 50-60D. 10seeds/pack
Inkspot is a micro dwarf variety around 30cm high. Regular-sized, round cherry tomatoes around 15 grams each. Beautifully, bi-colored fruits in dark-red-orange with purple-black neck. Excellent sweet-tangy tomato flavor. Cross between Pinocchio Orange and Clackamas Blueberry. Creation of Bunny Hop Seeds. Determinate. 65D. 10seeds/pack
Jewel Beetle is a micro or mini dwarf variety growing up to 30cm high if planted in a pot. It might also grow higher if planted in a larger pot or planted in the open ground, up to 60cm. Produces bullet-shaped, elongated fruits, green with faint golden stripes. Sweet tomato flavor as fully ripe. Rugose, elongated, wispy leaves. Creation of Bunny Hop Seeds. Cross between Yellow Canary and (Indian Stripe x Green Sausage) in 2016. 70D. 10seeds/pack
Lil’Peeps is a micro dwarf, growing up to 30cm in height. Produces beautiful, heart-shaped golden-yellow tomatoes with a pointed tip. Exceptionally large fruits for a micro dwarf. The tangy-sweet flavor resembles of green grape. Cross between Floragold Basket x (Orange Pixie x Orange Strawberry). Bunny Hop Seeds, USA. Determinate. 55-60D. 10seeds/pack
Raindrop is a micro or mini dwarf variety growing up to 25-35cm high if planted in a pot. It might also grow higher if planted in a larger pot or planted in the open ground, up to 60cm. Produces bullet-shaped, elongated fruits, golden yellow with some paler stripes. Fresh, sweet well-balanced tomato flavor with an excellent texture. Rugose regular leaf. Creation of Bunny Hop Seeds. Cross between Yellow Canary and a developing variety from (Indian Stripe x Green Sausage). Might still be unstable. 65-70D. 10seeds/pack
Raspberry Mochi produces round to slightly flattened, slightly ribbed fruits, mid-sized fruits of around 40-60 grams each. Beautiful, raspberry purple fruits with purple flesh. Smooth flesh with a lot of gel. Unusually sweet tomato flavor. Cross between a disease-resistant red salad hybrid, BHN 669 F1, and ‘Black from Tula’. Creation of Bunny Hop Seeds. Does well also in hot and humid climates. Indeterminate. 70-75D. 10seeds/pack
Spunky Bird is a micro or mini dwarf variety growing up to 25-35cm high if planted in a pot. It might also grow higher if planted in a larger pot or planted in the open ground, up to 45-50cm. Produces large, round bright-red cherry tomatoes. Fresh, sweet well-balanced tomato flavor. Creation of Bunny Hop Seeds. Cross between Aztek and (Green Mustang x ATVO 0102) Good disease resistance and resistance to heat/humidity. Rugose regular leaf. 65-70D. 10seeds/pack
Superbunny is a micro dwarf variety growing up to around 25-30cm in height. Some of my plants got to 35-40cm. Quite bushy plants. Produces dark red cherry tomatoes with a dark, antho-purple-brown neck where the fruits are exposed to the sun. Not as much antho-purple as Inkspot, Micro Purple, Tartufo, and others, but more as a striped blush. Juicy and sweet tomato flavor. Good resistance to heat/humidity. Might not yet be stable. Creation of Bunny Hop Seeds. Around 65D. 10seeds/pack
Yellow Budgie is a micro or mini dwarf variety growing up to around 30cm high if planted in a pot. It might also grow higher if planted in a larger pot or planted in the open ground, up to 45-60cm. Produces deep-yellow, large, oval-round cherry tomatoes. Firm fruits with a fresh, tangy tomato flavor. Regular leaf. Creation of Bunny Hop Seeds. Cross between Floragold Basket and (Green Mustang x ATVO 0102) in 2016 by Ellie at Bunny Hop Seeds. 65-70D. 10seeds/pack