
Small Beefs

All varieties in this category are small beefsteak tomatoes, around 200-300grams each, with different colors and tastes. All varieties are of indeterminate growth. Indeterminate means that the plant will keep on growing and producing fruit all season. Should preferably be staked or supported and might require pruning of the suckers. Read more about different types of tomatoes.

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Amethyst Jewel Beefsteak Tomato

Amethyst Jewel Beefsteak Tomato

Amethyst Jewel produces small beefsteak tomatoes around 100-200grams each. Beautiful dark-pink fruits with dark-purple stripes and a purple neck. Oblate, slightly ribbed fruits with a juicy, fruity, sweet tomato flavor. This is an indeterminate, vining variety of tomato growing to about 200cm in height and spreads some width-wise depending on how much of the suckers are pruned and the choice of staking and support. Brad Gates, Wild Boar Farms. USA. 75-80D. 10seeds/pack
Amish Yellowish Orange Oxheart Tomato

Amish Yellowish Orange Oxheart Beefsteak Tomato

Amish Yellowish Orange Oxheart produces irregularly heart-shaped beefsteak tomatoes of around 200-400 grams each. Golden orange fruits with golden-apricot-colored flesh. Excellent, mild-sweet tomato flavor. High content of Tetra-cis-lycopene, 7.05 according to the NZ Heritage Food Crops Research Project. Around 75-80D. Indeterminate. 10seeds/pack
Anna Russian Tomato

Anna Russian Beefsteak Tomato

Anna Russian produces heart-shaped, small beefsteak tomatoes up to 300grams each. Dark-pink-red fruits with a traditional, rich tomato flavor. This is an indeterminate, vining variety of tomato growing to about 200cm in height and spreads some width-wise depending on how much of the suckers are pruned and the choice of staking and support. Does well also in cooler weather. Old Russian variety. 70D. 10seeds/pack
Apelsin Beefsteak Tomato

Apelsin Beefsteak Tomato

Apelsin produces round, small beefsteak tomatoes around 100-200grams each. Golden-orange fruits with a fruity, sweet tomato flavor. This is an indeterminate, vining variety of tomato growing to about 200cm in height and spreads some width-wise depending on how much of the suckers are pruned and the choice of staking and support. Does well also in cooler weather. Russia. 80D. 10seeds/pack
Aurora Blue Tomato

Aurora Blue Beefsteak Tomato

Aurora Blue produces flat-round, slightly ribbed beefsteak tomatoes of around 150-300 grams each. Beautiful, deep raspberry-pink fruits with an antho-purple neck and colorings. The fruits get the antho-dark color where they are exposed to the sun. Light sweet tomato flavor with a hint of acidity. Around 75-80D. Indeterminate. 10seeds/pack
Azoychka Beefsteak Tomato

Azoychka Beefsteak Tomato

Azoychka produces oblate, small beefsteak tomatoes around 200grams each. Golden-yellow fruits with a fruity, sweet tomato flavor with a hint of lemon. This is an indeterminate, vining variety of tomato growing to about 200cm in height and spreads some width-wise depending on how much of the suckers are pruned and the choice of staking and support. Russia. 75D. 10seeds/pack
Balarga Beefsteak Tomato

Balarga Beefsteak Tomato

Balarga is a beefsteak tomato, around 200-250 grams per fruit. Round, bright red, smooth fruits with an old-time, traditional tomato flavor. From Spain. High resistance to the Fusarium wilt and Verticillium. Indeterminate. 70-75D. 10seeds/pack
Black Bear Tomato

Black Bear Beefsteak Tomato

Black Bear produces round-ish, slightly ribbed smaller beefsteak tomatoes of around 150-300 grams each. Dark brown-red fruits with green neck. Red flesh with pretty, contrasting green gel. Juicy, full, excellent sweet tomato flavor. Good resistance to powdery mildew and blight. Does well also in cooler weather. From Russia. Around 75-80D. Indeterminate. 10seeds/pack
Black Seaman Beefsteak

Black Sea Man Beefsteak Tomato

Black Sea Man produces round, small beefsteak tomatoes around 150-300 grams each. Dark-brown-red-black fruits with a full, sweet tomato flavor. This is a semi-determinate, vining variety of tomato growing to about 120cm in height and spreads some width-wise depending on how much of the suckers are pruned and the choice of staking and support. Russia. 75D. 10seeds/pack
Blaue Kasachstan Tomato

Blaue Kasachstan Beefsteak Tomato

Blaue Kasachstan produces flat-round, slightly ribbed beefsteak tomatoes of around 150-300 grams each. Dark red fruits with a blue tone. Dark red flesh with an excellent, spicy “black” tomato flavor. Around 75-80D. Indeterminate. 10seeds/pack
Blue Tom Beefsteak Tomato

Blue Tom Beefsteak Tomato

Blue Tom produces round, small beefsteak tomatoes around 200grams each. Dark-brown-red fruits with a blue neck. Full, sweet tomato flavor. This is an indeterminate, vining variety of tomato growing to about 200cm in height and spreads some width-wise depending on how much of the suckers are pruned and the choice of staking and support. 75-80D. 10seeds/pack
Boloto Beefsteak Tomato

Boloto Beefsteak Tomato

Boloto produces oblate, ribbed, small beefsteak tomatoes around 150-250grams each. Green-grey-pink fruits with green-pink flesh. Fresch, fruity, sweet tomato flavor. This is an indeterminate, vining variety of tomato growing to about 200cm in height and spreads some width-wise depending on how much of the suckers are pruned and the choice of staking and support. Russia. 78D. 10seeds/pack
Brown Ribbed Beefsteak Tomato

Brown Ribbed Beefsteak Tomato

Brown Ribbed, "Korichneyy Rebristyy", produces oblate, ribbed, small beefsteak tomatoes around 200grams each. Dark-red-brown fruits with traditional, full, sweet tomato flavor. This is an indeterminate, vining variety of tomato growing to about 200cm in height and spreads some width-wise depending on how much of the suckers are pruned and the choice of staking and support. Russia. 85-90D. 10seeds/pack
Budenovka Beefsteak Tomato

Budenovka Beefsteak Tomato

Budenovka produces heart-shaped, small beefsteak tomatoes around 150-300grams each. Bright-pink fruits with pink flesh. Fresh, fruity, sweet tomato flavor. This is an indeterminate, vining variety of tomato growing to about 200cm in height and spreads some width-wise depending on how much of the suckers are pruned and the choice of staking and support. Does well also in cooler weather. Russia. 80D. 10seeds/pack
Bugtussle Buttermilk Wonder Beefsteak Tomato

Bugtussle Buttermilk Wonder Beefsteak Tomato

Bugtussle Buttermilk Wonder produces flattened, mid-sized beefsteak tomatoes around 200-400grams each. Meaty fruits with white flesh, sweet and rich tomato flavor. Old variety from Bugtussle, Kentucky, USA. 75-80D. Indeterminate. 10seeds/pack
Buryy Medved Beefsteak Tomato

Buryy Medved Beefsteak Tomato

Buryy Medved, “Brown Bear” produces small to mid-sized beefsteak tomatoes around 150-250 grams each. Some fruits get bigger, up to 400 grams. Beautiful, bi-colored fruits. Red-marbled flesh with a sweet and well-balanced tomato flavor. The variety was included in the Russian State Register in 2017. Introduced commercially by ‘Aelita’ Seed Company. Regular leaf. Indeterminate. 65-72D. 10seeds/pack
Captain Lucky White Tomato

Captain Lucky White Beefsteak Tomato

Captain Lucky White produces round, to slightly flattened beefsteak tomatoes of around 150-250 grams each. Cream white-yellow fruits with white, dense flesh. Well-balanced, fruity, and sweet tomato flavor. From the line of Captain Lucky. Was developed by Millard Murdock, stable in 2014. Around 80D. Indeterminate. 10seeds/pack
Carmella´s Yellow Stripes Tomato

Carmella´s Yellow Stripes Beefsteak Tomato

Carmella´s Yellow Stripes produces mid-sized beefsteaks around 250-400 grams each. Slightly oblate and slightly ribbed fruits in golden-yellow-orange with pink-red marbling. Sweet and fruity tomato flavor. 80-85D. Indeterminate. 10seeds/pack
Caro Rich Beefsteak Tomato

Caro Rich Beefsteak Tomato

Caro Rich produces golden-orange fruits around 100-300gram each. Fruity and sweet tomato flavor. Very high content of beta-carotene. An improved variety of ‘Caro Red’ by E.C. Tigchelaar and M.L. Tomes at Purdue University, USA. Released in 1973. Regular leaf. Does well also in cooler climates. Indeterminate. 75-80D. 10seeds/pack
Cherokee Black Heart Tomato

Cherokee Black Heart Beefsteak Tomato

Cherokee Black Heart produces bluntly heart-shaped beefsteak tomatoes of around 150-250 grams each. Dark-ruby-purple fruits with green necks. Dark red, meaty flesh with a rich and juicy tomato flavor. Introduced in 2015 by Bill Minkey. Around 80-85D. Indeterminate. 10seeds/pack
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