
Other Cucurbitaceae

Here you find exiting things like loofahs, kiwano and korila! Why not grow your own sponges or ingredients for special dishes?

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Bitter Melon

Bitter Melon

Bitter Melon is a vining species, climbing over 200cm. Produces rubber-like fruits with soft spines. Ripen from green to yellow to orange as fully ripe. When fully ripe the fruits open from the bottom, showing the shiny red seeds. There are different varieties with longer fruits, round fruits, and also different tastes in bitterness. Used for cooking and its medicinal properties in the Caribbean, Africa, Southeast Asia, and China. Weedy, bitter flavor. Harvest as green and unripe. Momordica charantia. 7seeds/pack


Cucamelon, also called Mexican miniature watermelon, Mexican sour cucumber, Mexican sour gherkin, and Mouse Melon. Climbing or trailing up 200cm. Produces small, oval watermelon-looking fruits, about 3-5cm long. Sweet-tangy flavor, can be eaten fresh in salads, etc. Melothria scabra. 7seeds/pack
Figleaf Gourd

Figleaf Gourd

Figleaf Gourd, also called Malabar Gourd, Black Seed Squash, and Cidra. Climbing or trailing up to 500cm or more. Produces oval, green-white-striped fruits. Young fruits can be eaten as cucumbers. Fully ripe fruits can be used for marmalade etc. Large black seeds. Likes heat and water. Cucurbita ficifolia. 5seeds/pack


Kiwano, also call African Horned Cucumber, Horned Melon or Yelly Melon, is a vining species, easily climbing over 200cm. Heavy yielder of up to 10cm long fruits. The fruits are covered in spines or thorns. Can be eaten as unripe, in its green stage, or as yellow - fully ripe. As ripe the seeds inside the fruit get harder. Very yelly, with a melon-cucumber kind of flavor, mild and slightly sweet. Wants to grow in a warm place! Cucumis metuliferus. 10seeds/pack


Korila is a vining species, climbing over 200cm. Produces pale-green cucumber-looking fruits around 7-12cm long. The seeds are black as fully ripe, should not be eaten since they are quite hard. The fruits are hollow and can be filled and cooked. The leaves are heavily lobed. Cyclanthera pedata. 10seeds/pack
Luffa Gourd

Luffa Gourd

Luffa Gourd, also called Sponge Gourd, is a vining species, climbing up to over 200cm. Produces green fruits, that ripen to dry brown as fully ripe. The fruits grow to between 20-40cm in length. As very unmatured the fruits can be cooked as okra. When the fruits are fully ripe and dry, they can be peeled and the seeds can be emptied. Inside you will find the sponge! The sponge can be used for showering, cleaning plates, housekeeping, etc. Requires a warm place. Luffa cylindrica / Luffa aegyptiaca. 10seeds/pack
Wax Gourd

Winter Melon

Winter Melon, also called Wax Gourd, is a vining species, trailing up 200cm. Produces round green fruits, as fully ripe the fruits get a pale wax covering. Can be stored for a long time. Partly ripe fruits have white, crispy, sweet flesh. Requires a warm place. Benincasa hispida. 10seeds/pack