Chili pepper is a gathering name of the fruits from several different species. Capsicum annuum, C. baccatum, C. chinense, C. frutescens och C. pubescens. The character and appearance differ between species and varieties. Colors from dark-purple-black, to red, yellow, orange, green, and purple. The strength of the fruits comes from a substance called capsaisin, and is measured in Scoville Heat Units - SHU. The mildest chili peppers have few hundred SHU and the strongest over 1 million SHU.
Aji Amarillo, AKA Amarillo, produces a large bushy plant. Up to 10cm long, yellow-orange, thick-walled fruits on very long stalks. Medium hot, around 50.000 SHU. Peru. Capsicum baccatum. 10seeds/pack
Aji Ayuyo produces small, chubby pods that ripen from green to white, yellow, purple, and orange and turn bright red as fully ripe. Juicy and sweet pods with mild heat, around 1.000-2.000SHU. Bushy plants that grow to about 30-40cm in height. From Peru. Capsicum baccatum. 10seeds/pack
Aji Challuaruro Amarillo produces elongated pods around 4-8cm long. Ripens from ivory-white with purple splashes to golden yellow-orange as fully ripe. Quite bushy plants around 50-80cm high. Fruity flavor with a hint of citrus. Medium hot, around 15.000-50.000 SHU. Capsicum baccatum. 7seeds/pack
Aji Dulce is a mild variety of chili pepper. Large fruits, around 5-10cm long that ripen from green to bright red. Slightly wrinkled fruits with smooth skin. Plants grow to around 50-60cm high. Mild, around 1.000 SHU. Mid-season. Capsicum chinense. 10seeds/pack
Aji Limon, AKA Lemon Drop, produces a steady plant up to 100cm high. Up to 6-7cm long, light-yellow fruits. Distinct citrus aroma. Mild to medium hot, around 10.000-15.000 SHU. Very early. Capsicum baccatum. OP. 10seeds/pack
Aji Mango is a chili pepper with a fruity, sweet, aromatic, mango-like flavor. Small to mid-sized fruits, around 2-4cm in diameter, with a yellow-orange peach-like color. Plants grow to around 80-150cm high. Medium hot, 100,000-150,000SHU. Capsicum baccatum. 10seeds/pack
Aji Mango Stumpy produces vibrant orange, quite chubby pods around 4x4cm. Sweeter and fruity pepper flavor. Medium hot, around 20.000-30.000SHU. Tall and slender plants that grow to around 150cm in height. Capsicum baccatum. 10seeds/pack
Aji Norteno is a chili pepper with a fruity, green-apple-like flavor. Large, thin-walled fruits around 7-10cm long, with a beautiful bright red color. Plants grow to around 150cm high. Originates from the northern coastal valleys of Peru. Medium hot. Capsicum baccatum. 10seeds/pack
Aji Pineapple produces a bushy plant up to 90cm high. Up to 10-15cm long, light-yellow fruits. Distinct citrus aroma with a hint of pineapple. Resembles its siblings 'Hot Lemon' and 'Lemon Drop' but with slightly larger fruits. Mild to medium hot, around 10.000-30.000 SHU. Capsicum baccatum. 10seeds/pack
Aji Rainforest produces a steady plant up to 120cm high. Irregularly shaped fruits that ripen from green to orange, to bright red. Mild to medium hot, around 10.000-50.000 SHU. Capsicum baccatum. Brasil. 10seeds/pack
Akabare Khursani, AKA 'Dalle Khursani', produces large plants up to 100-150cm high. Small, round, bright red fruits. Medium hot to hot, 100.000-200.000 SHU. Capsicum annuum. Nepal. The name means "King of Chilis". 10seeds/pack
Albanian Red produces mid-sized plants around 70-90cm high. Large, elongated, red fruits with brown grooves. Mild, around 5000 SHU. Capsicum annuum. 15seeds/pack
Apache produces small, bushy plants around 50-60cm high. Heavy yielder of bright-red fruits around 3-5cm. Medium-hot, around 80.000 SHU. Stabil for 8 generations. Capsicum annuum. 10seeds/pack
Aurora is a chili that grows to around 25-30cm in height, suitable to grow in pots and containers. Upright growing fruits that ripen in green, purple, yellow, orange to red as fully ripe. Can be used as an ornamental plant due to its beauty but the fruits can also be used for sauce, power, cooking, etc. Hot chili flavour. Capsicum annuum. 60-75D. 10seeds/pack
Bengle Naga Peach produces bushy plants around 100cm high. Heavy yielder of peach-colored around 3-5cm long. Hot, around 900.000 SHU. USA. Capsicum chinense. 10seeds/pack
Bhut Jolokia White JW produces steady, bushy plants up to 100cm high. Heavy yielder of ivory-white, elongated, lumpy fruits, around 7-10cm long. Extremely hot, around 1 million SHU. Bred by Jay Weaver. USA. Capsicum chinense. 10seeds/pack
Bhut Orange Copenhagen produces steady plants up to 100-120cm high. Heavy yielder of golden-orange, chubby, lumpy fruits. Extremely hot, around 1.000.000 SHU. Bred by Søren Friis Larsen in Denmark, in 1999. Capsicum chinense. 10seeds/pack
Big Black Mama produces dark-brown-black, large, and wrinkled pods with a pointed end. The pods have a fruity fragrance. Mix between ‘Naga Morich’ and ‘Douglah 7 Pod’ by Troy Pimeaux, Louisiana USA. Very hot, around 1.000.000 SHU. Large plants, around 100cm high. Makes excellent fermented chili sauce! Capsicum chinense. 10seeds/pack
Big Caramel Mama is a super-hot variant of the ‘Big Black Mama’, bred by Troy Pimeaux. The plant grows up to 100cm in height. Very large fruits in caramel-brown color, around 6-7cm long. “Fruity” fragrance. Around 600,000 – 800,000 SHU. Capsicum chinense. 10seeds/pack