Alabama Blackeyed Butter Lima Pole Bean is a pole bean growing to about 200cm in height. Produces broad, green pods with large white lima beans inside, with a "black eye". Best harvested as fully dry and mature as cooking-bean. Can be used for soups, hummus, pots, and stews. Can be stored as a dry bean for later use. Has a very creamy texture. Phaseolus lunatus. 10seeds/pack
Alderman is a marrowfat pea that grows to around 170-190cm high and needs support. Flowers with white flowers. Heavy yielder of large, green pods, green peas with a sweet and tasty flavor. Eat fresh, freeze, or can for later use. Shows resistance to pea moth. Old variety from 1891. Pisum sativum. 20seeds/pack
Andromeda Lima Pole Bean climbs up to more than 200cm and needs support. Produces green, short and flat pods with beautiful beans inside. The beans are dark-red with white stripes and dark blue/black speckles. Fully matured beans can be dried and used as soup beans, etc. From a cross with Ping Zebra in 2014. Phaseolus lunatus. 10seeds/pack
Arvidsjaur Snow Pea is a variety from the region Norrbotten in Sweden. Similar to the variety ’Svartbjörsbyn’ but slightly sweeter. Medium-high, about 150cm. White flower,s green, sweet, crispy pods. Small, yellow seeds. Early. Nordic Genebank number: NGB11750. Pisum sativum. 10seeds/pack
Asparagus Pea is a small bush variety growing to about 20cm in height and about 40cm in width. Beautiful red flowers. Small, green, angular pods, around 2-3cm long. Harvest pods as small and unripe, boil slightly. Eat with butter and salt. Tetragonolobus purpureus. 30seeds/pack
Bamby Snow Pea is a low-growing variety, about 65cm high. Large, broad pods, around 10cm long. Green, crispy and sweet. 60D. Pisum sativum. 20seeds/pack