

Legumes are plants in the family Fabaceae. Beans, longbeans, peas, brodbeans and other varieties. All of them nitrogen-fixing as Green Manure!

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Alabama Blackeyed Butter Pole Bean

Alabama Blackeyed Butter Lima Pole Bean

Alabama Blackeyed Butter Lima Pole Bean is a pole bean growing to about 200cm in height. Produces broad, green pods with large white lima beans inside, with a "black eye". Best harvested as fully dry and mature as cooking-bean. Can be used for soups, hummus, pots, and stews. Can be stored as a dry bean for later use. Has a very creamy texture. Phaseolus lunatus. 10seeds/pack
Alderman Marrowfat Pea

Alderman Marrowfat Pea

Alderman is a marrowfat pea that grows to around 170-190cm high and needs support. Flowers with white flowers. Heavy yielder of large, green pods, green peas with a sweet and tasty flavor. Eat fresh, freeze, or can for later use. Shows resistance to pea moth. Old variety from 1891. Pisum sativum. 20seeds/pack
Andromeda Lima Pole Bean

Andromeda Lima Pole Bean

Andromeda Lima Pole Bean climbs up to more than 200cm and needs support. Produces green, short and flat pods with beautiful beans inside. The beans are dark-red with white stripes and dark blue/black speckles. Fully matured beans can be dried and used as soup beans, etc. From a cross with Ping Zebra in 2014. Phaseolus lunatus. 10seeds/pack
Arvidsjaur Snow Pea

Arvidsjaur Snow Pea

Arvidsjaur Snow Pea is a variety from the region Norrbotten in Sweden. Similar to the variety ’Svartbjörsbyn’ but slightly sweeter. Medium-high, about 150cm. White flower,s green, sweet, crispy pods. Small, yellow seeds. Early. Nordic Genebank number: NGB11750. Pisum sativum. 10seeds/pack
Asparagus Pea

Asparagus Pea

Asparagus Pea is a small bush variety growing to about 20cm in height and about 40cm in width. Beautiful red flowers. Small, green, angular pods, around 2-3cm long. Harvest pods as small and unripe, boil slightly. Eat with butter and salt. Tetragonolobus purpureus. 30seeds/pack
Bamby Snow Pea

Bamby Snow Pea

Bamby Snow Pea is a low-growing variety, about 65cm high. Large, broad pods, around 10cm long. Green, crispy and sweet. 60D. Pisum sativum. 20seeds/pack