Fiaschetto is a bush variety growing to about 100cm in height and spreads width-wise. Produces oval, elongated fruits in clusters. Bright-red fruits with a strong, sweet tomato flavor. Thick-skinned and firm-fleshed fruits. Keeps very well after harvest, can be stored hanging in clusters. Also perfect for sun-drying! Italy. 70D. 10seeds/pack
Gialletto Brindisino is a long-keeper variety. Produces small round fruits with a pointed end. Ripens in yellow-pink to a reddish color. Sweet-sour tomato flavor. Keeps very well after harvest. Can be stored hanging in clusters, on trays, etc. From Italy. Indeterminate. 80-85D. 10seeds/pack
Grappoli d’Invierno is a semi-determinate variety growing to about 100-120cm in height and spreads width-wise depending on how much of the suckers are pruned. Produces oval, small fruits in large clusters. Bright-red fruits with thick skin and firm flesh. Pleasant sweet tomato flavor. Keeps very well after harvest, up to 5-6months. The fruits can dry in and wrinkle during storage. Crack-resistant. Italy. The name means "Winter Bunches" in Italian. 60-70D. 10seeds/pack
Patanara is an indeterminate variety growing to about 200cm in height and spreads some width-wise depending on how much of the suckers are pruned. Produces oval, classical piennolo-fruits with a pointy end. Bright-red fruits with thick skin and firm flesh. Pleasant sweet tomato flavor. Keeps very well after harvest. Can be stored hanging in clusters or on trays, up to 6-9 months. The fruits can dry in and wrinkle a bit during storage. One of five varieties with PDO protected status. 75-80D. Potato leaf. 10seeds/pack
Piennolo del Vesuvio Casas Barones is an indeterminate variety growing to about 200cm in height and spreads some width-wise depending on how much of the suckers are pruned. Produces oval fruits with a pointy end in clusters, a classical piennolo-tomato. Bright-red fruits with thick skin and firm flesh. Pleasant sweet tomato flavor. Keeps very well after harvest. Can be stored hanging in clusters or on trays, up to 6-8 months. The fruits can dry in and wrinkle a bit during storage. 75-80D. 10seeds/pack
Pomodorino del Piennolo del Vesuvio produces oval fruits with a pointy end in clusters, a classical piennolo-tomato. Bright-red fruits with thick skin and firm flesh. Pleasant sweet tomato flavor. Keeps very well after harvest. Can be stored hanging in clusters or on trays, for up to 6 months. The fruits can dry in and wrinkle a bit during storage. Indeterminate. 75-80D. 10seeds/pack
Ponderosa is an indeterminate variety growing to about 200cm in height and spreads some width-wise depending on how much of the suckers are pruned. Produces round golden yellow fruits with red-yellow flesh, with thick skin and firm flesh. Pleasant, not sweet tomato flavor. Best used for cooking. Keeps very well after harvest. Can be stored on trays, up to 12 months. 75-80D. 10seeds/pack
Regina is an indeterminate variety growing to about 180cm in height and spreads some width-wise depending on how much of the suckers are pruned. Produces round fruits with a pointy end, thick skin and firm flesh. Red fruits with a pleasant sweet tomato flavor. Keeps well after harvest. Can be stored hanging in clusters or on trays, up to 5 months. Italy. 75D. 10seeds/pack