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Beetroot Burpees Golden

Beetroot Burpees Golden

Beetroot Burpees Golden produces dark yellow beets with golden-yellow flesh. Round roots with sweet flesh. Milder, and not so earthy flavor as red beetroots. The foliage can be used as swiss chard. Beta vulgaris var. conditiva. From 1828. 65D. Around 150seeds/pack
Beetroot Cheltenham Green Top

Beetroot Cheltenham Green Top

Cheltenham Green Top is an old, reliable variety of beetroot from 1905. Produces mid-sized, elongated, pointed beetroots. Dark-red flesh, nice consistency and excellent flavour. Use both for fresh consumption and for storage. Also young leaves can be eaten. Beta vulgaris. 35seeds/pack
Beetroot Choggia

Beetroot Chioggia

Chioggia produces red beets with white-red-striped flesh. Round roots with sweet flesh. Strong foliage, green with red-pink nerves. Can be stored for a longer time. From Italy. Beta vulgaris var. conditiva. 60D. 150seeds/pack
Beetroot Crapaudine

Beetroot Crapaudine

Crapaudine is probably the worlds oldest variety of beetroot still in existence. Produces mid-sized, elongated, carrot-like beetroots. The skin is very dark, rough, slightly resembling tree bark. Dark-red, rich flesh with excellent flavour. Use both for fresh consumption and for storage. Also young leaves can be eaten. Beta vulgaris. 35seeds/pack
Beetroot Detroit 2

Beetroot Detroit 2

Detroit 2 Beetroot produces round, uniformed, dark-red beets. Thin, smooth peel and deep red flesh. Upright foliage with a small hold. Lower content of nitrate. Use both for fresh consumption and for storage. Beta vulgaris. 150seeds/pack
Beetroot Egyptian Flatround

Beetroot Egyptian Flatround

Egyptian Flatround produces flattened red beets. Dark-red, sweet flesh. Does well in most soils. Quite resistant to start flowering/bolting. Early. 55D. Around 150seeds/pack
Fennel Romanesco

Fennel 'Romanesco'

Fennel 'Romanesco' is a well-known variety of fennel from Italy. Produces large, white roots. Pleasant herb with mild anise or licorice flavor. Use the roots and stems as a vegetable and the seeds as an herb for bread. Like all fennels, it is more likely of bolting if planted in too cold soil. Foeniculum vulgare. Around 100seeds/pack
Kohlrabi White Vienna

Kohlrabi White Vienna

White Vienna Kohlrabi produces medium sized, pale-green roots. Old variety, was introduces in the 1860’s. Early season. 55-60D. Brassica oleracea var. gongylodes. 100seeds/pack
Viola Kohlrabi

Kohlrabi Wiener Blue

Kohlrabi Wiener Blue is the classical beautiful purple-blue kohlrabi. Produces medium-sized, round roots. Harvest when the roots are around 5-8cm in diameter. Early to midseason. Brassica oleracea var. gongylodes. 55D. Around 200seeds/pack
Leek Gigante de Bulgaria

Leek ’Gigante de Bulgaria’

’Gigante de Bulgaria’ is a large variety of leek, producing exceptionally long stems. Delicate flavor. Use fresh for cooking. Can also be stored some time or frozen for later consumption. From Bulgaria. Quite early. 80D. Allium porrum. Around 450seeds/pack
Nantes Carrot

Nantes 2 Carrot

Nantes 2 is the classical orange carrot. Produces around 15cm long, blunt-tipped roots with a rich orange color. Sweet, crunchy taste and a small core. The height of the foliage reaches around 30cm. Heirloom from the 1880s. 70D. Daucus carota ssp. Sativus. Around 500seeds/pack
Radish Burro Gigante

Radish Burro Gigante

Burro Gigante produces large, red radishes with white flesh. Rarely splits and stays mild. Quick to mature. Heirloom from Sardinia. Raphanus sativus. Around 300seeds/pack
Radish Saxa 3

Radish Saxa 3

Saxa 3 produces round radishes with white, crispy flesh. Easy to grow, sow directly when the soil is ready, about 1cm deep. Sow successively for access throughout the season. Eat raw and fresh or boil slightly. Pick the large ones first and let the small ones grow. Do not let dry out, when too dry the taste will get too strong. Rhapanus sativum. 200seeds/pack
Turnip Purple Top White Globe

Turnip ’Purple Top White Globe’

Turnip ’Purple Top White Globe’ is a selection from the turnip ‘Purple Top’. White skin under the soil and light-violet skin above the soil. Crispy flesh. Healthy and hardy plants. Can grow a bit bigger than other varieties. Can be stored for some time. Introduces in 1880. Brassica rapa. 50D. 300seeds/pack
Turnip Grüno

Turnip Grüno

Grüno is a green variety of turnips with a yellow-ish underside. The flesh is white with a mild and pleasant flavor. Brassica rapa. Around 50-70seeds/pack
Turnip Snowball

Turnip Snowball

Snowball is a well know, white turnip. Round, sometimes slightly flattened roots. Mild, sweet flavor. If harvested late they can be stored for some time. Introduced in 1869. Brassica rapa. 50D. 300Seeds/pack
Turnip Svedjerova

Turnip Svedjerova

Svedjerova is an old Finish variety of turnips. “Svedje” translates to “burnt woodland” and “rova” is the Swedish word for turnip. This variety was traditionally grown by Finnish/Swedish people, first, they burnt a patch of woodland to clear it out and produce ashes and nutrients. Then they grew the turnips. Turnips are easy to grow, and can of course be grown without burning woodland! The roots are flat-round, violet with white bottom. Some roots are yellow-white-green. The flesh is tender, white, juicy, and crispy. Harvest when the turnips are around 6-8cm in diameter. Don’t let them grow too large, then they get harder and not as delicious. Can be eaten raw, in soups, pots, baked in the oven, mashed, etc. 65D. Brassica rapa. Around 100seeds/pack
Walking Onions

Walking Onions

These little darlings have several names. Walking Onions, Egyptian Walking Onions, Tree Onions, Topsetting Onions, or as we call them in Swedish - “Air Onions”. The scientific name is Allium × proliferum. And yes, they sure are very prolific, as the name tells! To read more about Walking Onions, click the link below. Each pack contains around 5-7 topset onions. WALKING ONIONS ARE ONLY AVAILABLE AROUND AUGUST - NOVEMBER.