The Cabbage Family contains everything from Broccoli, Cauliflower, and Brussel Sprouts to a large variety of winter hardy Kales, Cima di Rapa and many other varieties.
Miranda Broccoli produces beautiful, purple-violet heads of calabrese-type. Slightly loose heads. When the main head is harvested the plants keep producing side shoots. Crisp and delicious flavor. Can be eaten raw, cooked, or frozen for later use. Grows to about 80cm in height. 100D. Brassica oleracea. Around 100seeds/pack
Purple Peacock Broccoli is a stunningly beautiful broccoli-kale, plants around 60-70cm high. Produces one small broccoli-head in the middle. After harvesting the head, side shoots will sprout. The purple-veined leaves are eaten like kale. Delicate flavor. Brassica oleracea. 30seeds/pack
Ramoso Calabrese Broccoli produces compact, mid-sized plants around 70-80 cm high. Tightly composed, dark-green heads. After harvesting the head, side shoots will sprout. Delicate flavor. From the 1800-hundreds. Brassica oleracea. 150seeds/pack
Long Island Brussels Sprouts produces compact plants around 70 cm high. Tightly composed, firm, dark-green heads. Delicious flavor. Works well to freeze. 120D. Brassica oleracea. Around 150seeds/pack
Brunswick is a very cold hardy head cabbage. A fall/winter variety that stores very well. A bit flattened heads, compact, light-green, about 5-6kg each. Introduced in 1924. 90D. Brassica oleracea. Around 100seeds/pack
Kilkis is a traditional variety of Greek cabbage. Productive, mid-season variety with good resistance to cooler weather. Medium loose heads weigh about 5-7kg each. Delicious, sweet cabbage flavor. Brassica oleracea. 50seeds/pack
Wheelers Imperial Cabbage produces pointed, light green, firm heads with good flavor. Grows to around 30-40cm in height. Old, reliable variety. Can be harvested early for fresh consumption, but also in late autumn. Brassica oleracea. 75seeds/pack
Green Macerata Cauliflower is a cauliflower with green-yellow heads. Tightly composed heads, around 1kg each. Works well to freeze. From Italy. 70-75D. Brassica oleracea. Around 50seeds/pack
Palla Di Neve X Cauliflower, Snowball X”, is a well know variety of cauliflower. Snow white, tightly composed heads, around 1kg each. Was introduced in the late 1800-hundreds. Brassica oleracea. 100seeds/pack
Purple of Sicily Cauliflower is a stunningly beautiful cauliflower with bright purple heads. Somewhat loosely composed heads, sometimes with white spots. Each head weighs around 1kg. Old variety from Sicily, Italy. Brassica oleracea. 50seeds/pack
Cima di Rapa, or Broccoli Raab, Quarantina is a fast-growing "cabbage broccoli" from Italy, related to the turnip. The name in Italian is "Cima di Rapa Quarantina", meaning "Top of the Turnip 40", ready to eat in only 40 days. Harvest the shoots with the head early, before they start to flower. New shoots will follow. Serve slightly boiled, with garlic and oil. Brassica rapa SBSP sylvestris. Around 300seeds/pack
Dazzling Blue Kale is a stunningly beautiful kale, plants grow to around 100-150cm high. Season two, it can grow to 200cm in height. Produces large, rugose kale leaves, dark green with a bright purple nerve. Resembles 'Nero di Toscana'. Delicate flavor. Brassica oleracea. 30seeds/pack
Jagallo Nero is a beautiful variety of kale with deeply lobed leaves in dark- grey-blue-green. Produces large plants with upright growing leaves, around 75cm high. Crisp, mildly sweet, and delicious flavor. Use as spinach and cabbage. Can be eaten raw, cooked, or frozen for later use. Cold hardy, can be harvested late in the autumn. 70D. Brassica oleracea. Around 100seeds/pack
Nero di Toscana is the old, traditional Italian kale, from 1800. Produces large, beautiful plants with dark-blue-green leaves with a light mid-nerve. Crisp and delicious flavor. Use as spinach and cabbage. Can be eaten raw, cooked, or frozen for later use. Can also be used as an ornamental plant in combination with flower plantings due to its beauty. Cold hardy, can be harvested late in the autumn. Grows to about 75-100cm in height. 70D. Brassica oleracea. Around 100seeds/pack
Red Russian Kale produces beautiful, green leaves with a purple vein. Slightly matte surface. Grows to about 70cm in height. Eat as kale, in pies, soups, as a side dish, raw in salads etc. Cold hardy. Can be harvested during the winter. Brassica napus. 200seeds/pack
Scarlet Kale produces beautiful, purple-violet plants around 80-120cm high. Eat as kale, in pies, soups, as a side dish, raw in salads etc. Very cold hardy. Can be harvested during the winter. From Czechoslovakia. Brassica oleracea. 100seeds/pack
Petit Posy Kalettes produces little flower-brussel sprouts along the stem, in purple-green. This is an unusual mix between kale and brussel sprouts. Grows to about 80-100cm in height. Mild flavour without the bitterness brussel sprouts might have. Also stems have a pleasant and sweet taste. Cold hardy. Brassica oleracea. 30seeds/pack
Kalibos is a beautiful variety of pointed cabbage. Dark-red-purple, shiny heads. Mild, delicious cabbage flavour. From the 1800s. Fast variety, around 65D. Brassica oleracea. Around 50seeds/pack
‘Violaceo di Verona’ is a beautiful variety of savoy cabbage with light-green hearts and dark red leaves. Cook and use the same way as “regular” cabbage. Also stores well after harvest. Best flavor when the head is fully developed, after a period of cold weather. 100D. From Italy. Brassica oleracea. Around 100seeds/pack