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MärchenGold Tomato

MärchenGold Tomato

MärchenGold produces elongated fruits of Roma-type with a pointy end of around 30-50 grams each. Perfect for cooking but also very tasty to eat fresh. Golden-yellow-orange fruits with firm and solid flesh. Fruity, mild-sweet tomato flavor with a little acidity. Resistance to late blight and blossom end rot (BER). Semi-determinate bush, 140-180cm high. Fine, delicate foliage. The meaning in German is “Fairy Tale Gold”. Creation of Kleverhof in Germany. 70-85D. 10seeds/pack

MärchenGranat Tomato

MärchenGranat produces multi-flora-cluster of oval, large cherry tomatoes around 10-15grams each. Dark-brown, shiny fruits with thin skin. Juicy, sweet, and spicy, aromatic tomato flavor. Resistance to late blight and blossom end rot (BER). Indeterminate. The meaning in German is “Fairy Tale Garnet”. Creation of Kleverhof in Germany. 70-85D. 5seeds/pack
MärchenMonster Tomato

MärchenMonster Tomato

MärchenMonster produces elongated fruits with a pointy end of around 50-70 grams each. Dark-brown fruits with rusty and green stripes. Firm fruits with a crunchy texture and quite long shelf life. Excellent, sweet, and spicy tomato flavor with some acidity. Resistance to late blight. Indeterminate. The meaning in German is “Fairy Tale Monster”. Creation of Kleverhof in Germany. 70-85D. 10seeds/pack
MärchenSnack Tomato

MärchenSnack Tomato

MärchenSnack produces small pepper-shaped fruits around 20-40 grams each. Bright-golden-orange fruits of mini-stuffer-tomato-type. Partially hollow inside, with firm flesh and thick walls, perfect to stuff with feta cheese, for example. Fruity and sweet tomato flavor. Resistance to late blight and blossom end rot (BER). Indeterminate. The meaning in German is “Fairy Tale Snack”. Creation of Kleverhof in Germany. 70-85D. 10seeds/pack
Märchenwald Tomato

MärchenWald Tomato

MärchenWald produces midsized round to oblate fruits of around 60-100 grams each. The meaning in German is “Fairy Tale Forest”. The fruits are forest green with dark-purple necks. The flesh is lime green. Sweet tomato flavor with some acidity and an exotic aroma. Resistant to late blight. Indeterminate. Creation of Kleverhof in Germany. 75-80D. 10seeds/pack
MärchenZauber Tomato

MärchenZauber Tomato

MärchenZauber produces elongated, tear-shaped fruits with a pointy end of around 25-50 grams each. Beautiful, metallic-shiny, bright-golden-yellow fruits with pink-red stripes and thin skin. Crispy and firm texture. Very sweet, fruity, and juicy tomato flavor with an aroma of currant. Resistance to late blight and blossom end rot (BER). Indeterminate. The meaning in German is “Fairy Tale Magic”. Creation of Kleverhof in Germany. 70-85D. 10seeds/pack
Marsha’s Starfighter Heart Tomato

Marsha’s Starfighter Heart Tomato

Marsha’s Starfighter Heart produces small to mid-sized, heart-shaped, beefsteak tomatoes of around 150-300 grams each. Beautiful metallic, brown-red, and green-striped fruits with some antho-dark stripes on the shoulders. Firm and juicy fruits with a delicious, rich, and fruity tomato flavor. Very productive. Developed by Marsha Eisenberg, Florida, USA. 75-80D. Indeterminate. 10seeds/pack
Marsha's Starfighter Beefsteak Tomato

Marsha's Starfighter Beefsteak Tomato

Marsha's Starfighter Beefsteak produces small to mid-sized, oblate beefsteak tomatoes around 200-400 grams each. Beautiful metallic, brown-red, and green-striped fruits with antho-dark stripes and shoulders. Firm and juicy fruits with a delicious, rich, and fruity tomato flavor. Very productive. Developed by Marsha Eisenberg, Florida, USA. 75-85D. Indeterminate. 10seeds/pack
Märta Snow Pea

Märta Snow Pea

Märta Snow Pea grows to about 150cm in height and needs support. Flowers with beautiful purple flowers. Heavy yielder of yellow, "wax-like", mid-sized pods. Excellent, sweet, and crispy flavor. Fully mature peas can be used as chickpeas. From Sweden. Pisum sativum. 10seeds/pack
Martha Snow Pea

Martha Snow Pea

Martha Snow Pea flowers with white flowers. Produces green pods with crispy and sweet flavor. Dried peas can also be used for soup. Grows to around 180cm and needs support. From Halland, Sweden. 10seeds/pack
Marzano Fire Paste-Type Tomato

Marzano Fire Paste-Type Tomato

Marzano Fire is a paste-type tomato, containing less water than “regular” tomatoes, perfect for cocking and sauces, etc. Produces elongated fruits with a pointed end, around 100 grams each. Bright-red fruits with golden stripes. Meaty flesh with a sweet, traditional tomato flavor. Creation of Artisan Seeds, USA. 75-80D. Good resistance to fungal attacks. Regular leaf. Semi-determinate. 10seeds/pack
St. Vasileios Melon

Melon St. Vasileios

St. Vasileios, ”Agíou Vasileíou” produces elongated, slightly ribbed, yellow to dark-yellow fruits. Crème-white flesh with a sweet flavor and intense aroma. Around 3-4kg. The plants have small lobed, light-green leaves. Late variety. From Greece. Cucumis melo. 10seeds/pack
Thrace Melon

Melon Thrace

Thrace Melon, “Melon Thrakiotiko”, produces large, globe-shaped melons up to 3kg, with a little “nose”. The skin is yellow with dark spots and speckles. The flesh is crème-white with a hint of pale-yellow-orange. Firm flesh with a delicious, sweet, and juicy flavor. The flesh has a hint of floral honey. Later variety. Old heirloom variety from the region of Thrace, which includes parts of Greece, Turkey, and Bulgaria. Cucumis melo. 10seeds/pack
Zakynthos Melon

Melon Zakynthos

Zakynthos produces flattened fruits, slightly ribbed in “slices”. Golden to paler yellow fruits with white-green flesh. Sweet flavor with a pleasant aroma. Earlier variety. From Greece. Cucumis melo. 10seeds/pack
Midnight Sun Beefsteak Tomato

Midnight Sun Beefsteak Tomato

Midnight Sun produces beautiful heart-shaped beefsteak tomatoes around 200-400grams each. Golden-yellow-orange fruits with pink marbling. Meaty and firm fruits with few seeds. Delicious rich and fruit tomato flavor. Potato leaf. Indeterminate. Cross between ‘Ludmilla Pink Heart’ and ‘Captain Lucky’. This variety is bred by Karen Olivier (Northern Gardener) of Canada in the project “True North”. The other varieties in the project are Polaris, Taiga, Tundra, and True Colors. Around 75-80D. 5seeds/pack
Mini Marzano Micro Dwarf Tomato

Mini Marzano Micro Dwarf Tomato

Mini Marzano is a micro dwarf variety around 25-35cm high. Elongated fruits with a pointed end, around 15-20grams each. Bright-red fruits with a classic, red tomato flavor. Crack resistant. Keeps well after harvest. Developed from a cross between Brad’s Atomic Grape and a micro variety by Mark Seabolt. Introduced by Wild Boar Farms in 2023. Indeterminate. 65-70D. 10seeds/pack
Mint Julep Cherry Tomato

Mint Julep Cherry Tomato

Mint Julep, also known as 'Michael Pollan', produces plum-shaped, elongated, large cherry tomatoes. Bright-green fruits with golden stripes. Firm, meaty fruits with pleasant sweet tomato flavor, not as tart as many green varieties. This is an indeterminate, vining variety of tomato growing to about 200cm in height and spreads some width-wise depending on how much of the suckers are pruned and the choice of staking and support. Brad Gates, Wild Boar Farms. USA. 75D. 10seeds/pack
Moonlight Mile Tomato Seeds

Moonlight Mile Bush Tomato

Moonlight Mile is a bush variety growing up to around 100-120cm in height. Beautiful variegated foliage in créme-white-green. Large cherry tomatoes, slightly heart-shaped in blood-red-purple with green striped. Fruits weigh up to 50grams each and have an intensely sweet taste. Regular leaf. Cross between ’Karson´s First’ and ’Faelan´s First Snow’ by Blane Horton, 2019. Determinate. 80D. 10seeds/pack
Mors Stora Ärtor Marrowfat Pea

Mors Stora Ärtor Marrowfat Pea

Mors Stora Ärtor, "Mothers Large Peas", is a marrowfat pea that grows to around 160-180cm high and needs support. Flowers with white flowers. Produces large, green pods with large, green, sweet peas. Unripe pods are eaten like snow peas. Fully mature pods are shelled and eaten like marrow-fat peas. Eat fresh, freeze, or can for later use. From Skåne, Sweden. Pisum sativum. 10seeds/pack
Muddy Mamba Beefsteak Tomato

Muddy Mamba Beefsteak Tomato

Muddy Mamba produces oblate beefsteak tomatoes of around 100-250 grams each. Multicolored fruits in green-brown-purple with green-pink flesh. Excellent full and rich tomato flavor. Indeterminate. Tatiana Kouchnareva. 80D. 10seeds/pack
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