
Sweet Peas

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Old Spice Painted Lady

Old Spice Painted Lady

Old Spice Painted Lady produces bi-colored flowers in raspberry pink and white with a lovely scent. Grows up to about 150-200cm in height. From 1731. The first known and named variety from the wild Sicilian variety ‘Franciscus Cupani'. Openly pollinated, some deviation may occur. Lathyrus odoratus. 20seeds/pack
Pandemonium Sweet Pea


Pandemonium flowers with lovely clear-white flowers with cerise stripes in different combinations. Slightly ruffled edges. Excellent scent. Grows up to about 180-230cm in height. Keith Hammett, Nya Zeeland 2010. Openly pollinated, some deviation may occur. Lathyrus odoratus. 12seeds/pack
Pink Nines Sweet Pea

Pink Nines

Pink Nines flowers with beautiful, strongly pink, large flowers. Up to 9 flowers per stalk. Heavy yielder. Excellent scent. Grows up to about 250cm in height. Openly pollinated, some deviation may occur. Lathyrus odoratus. 12seeds/pack
Pink-Red-Mix Sweet Pea


Pink-Red-Mix flowers with a mix in pink and red. Medium to large flowers with excellent scent. Heavy yielder. Grows up to about 150-200cm in height. Openly pollinated, some deviation may occur. Lathyrus odoratus. 30seeds/pack


Pulsar flowers with beautifully white, large flowers with blue-violet shading and slightly wavy edges. Excellent fragrance and very long stalks. Grows up to about 200cm in height. Openly pollinated, some deviation may occur. Lathyrus odoratus. 10seeds/pack
Rosy Frills Sweet Pea

Rosy Frills

Rosy Frills flowers with beautiful, crème-coloured flowers with pink ruffled edges. Large flowers on long stalks. Heavy yielder. Excellent scent. Grows up to about 200cm in height. Unwins, England. Openly pollinated, some deviation may occur. Lathyrus odoratus. 10seeds/pack
Royal Navy Dark Blue Sweet Pea

Royal Navy Dark Blue

Royal Navy Dark Blue flowers with beautiful large flowers in the darkest midnight blue. Excellent fragrance. Long stalks, great for bouquets. Heavy yielder. Grows up to about 200-220cm in height. Openly pollinated, some deviation may occur. Lathyrus odoratus. 20seeds/pack
Sir Jimmy Shand Sweet Pea

Sir Jimmy Shand

Sir Jimmy Shand flowers with beautiful, clear-white flowers with purple-lilac colour-markings. Large flowers with excellent scent. Heavy yielder. Grows up to about 200cm in height. Openly pollinated, some deviation may occur. Lathyrus odoratus. 15seeds/pack
Spencer Arthur Hellyer Sweet Pea

Spencer Arthur Hellyer

Spencer Arthur Hellyer flowers with beautifully white, large flowers, some with a light-blue-violet shading. Excellent fragrance and very long stalks. Grows up to about 200-250cm in height. Openly pollinated, some deviation may occur. Lathyrus odoratus. 10seeds/pack
Spencer Swan Lake Sweet Pea

Spencer Swan Lake

Spencer Swan Lake flowers with cream-white buds that turn into swan-white flowers. Excellent fragrance. Long stalks, great for bouquets. Heavy yielder. Grows up to about 200-250cm in height. Openly pollinated, some deviation may occur. Lathyrus odoratus. 15seeds/pack
Spencer Wiltshire Ripple Sweet Pea

Spencer Wiltshire Ripple

Spencer Wiltshire Ripple flowers with beautiful large flowers with shading in burgundy-red. Excellent fragrance. Heavy yielder. Grows up to about 200-220cm in height. Openly pollinated, some deviation may occur. Lathyrus odoratus. 15seeds/pack
Unique Sweet Pea


Unique flowers with beautiful pale-blue-white-streaked flowers. Excellent fragrance. Grows up to about 100cm in height. Openly pollinated, some deviation may occur. Lathyrus odoratus. 12seeds/pack