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Rosy Frills

Rosy Frills flowers with beautiful, crème-coloured flowers with pink ruffled edges. Large flowers on long stalks. Heavy yielder. Excellent scent. Grows up to about 200cm in height. Unwins, England. Openly pollinated, some deviation may occur. Lathyrus odoratus. 10seeds/pack
Availability: In stock
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Delivery date: 3-4 weeks within EU

Rosy Frills flowers with beautiful, crème-coloured flowers with pink ruffled edges. Large flowers on long stalks. Heavy yielder. Excellent scent. Grows up to about 200cm in height. Unwins, England. Openly pollinated, some deviation may occur. Lathyrus odoratus. 10seeds/pack

How to Grow

Do not soak the seeds before sowing, then they might rot. Sow the seeds indoors about 4-6 week before planting in the garden. For best germination place in 18-20°C. After germination, place the seedlings cooler. Can even be placed outside, sweet peas tolerates down to -8°C, but not colder! Can also be sown directly in the garden when the soil is ready. The plants can be pruned at 7-10cm for more branched plants. Grow beside a trellis when the high growing plants need support. Store you dry sweet pea seeds in the freezer, they will keep the germination "forever".