All varieties in this category are paste-type tomatoes, with different colors and tastes. Paste-type tomatoes contain less water than "normal" tomatoes and are perfect for tomato sauce, puree, cooking, etc. The fruits are very firm and meaty and not so watery if cooked. Normally paste-type tomatoes are around 5-10cm long and weigh around 40-70 grams each. But as with all tomatoes, a lot of variations occur. Read more about different types of tomatoes.
Lemon Plum produces lemon-shaped, paste-type tomatoes, of around 50-80 grams each. Bright-yellow, crispy fruits with sweet fresh tomato flavor. Firm, meaty fruits with few seeds. Crack-resistant and keeps well after picking. Indeterminate. 75D. 10seeds/pack
Mama Leone is a paste-type tomato, containing less water than “regular” tomatoes, perfect for cocking and sauces, etc. Produces elongated, chubby fruits with a pointed end, around 5-8cm long. Bright-red fruits. Red, meaty flesh with a sweet, traditional tomato flavor. 80D. Indeterminate. 5seeds/pack
MärchenGold produces elongated fruits of Roma-type with a pointy end of around 30-50 grams each. Perfect for cooking but also very tasty to eat fresh. Golden-yellow-orange fruits with firm and solid flesh. Fruity, mild-sweet tomato flavor with a little acidity. Resistance to late blight and blossom end rot (BER). Semi-determinate bush, 140-180cm high. Fine, delicate foliage. The meaning in German is “Fairy Tale Gold”. Creation of Kleverhof in Germany. 70-85D. 10seeds/pack
MärchenMonster produces elongated fruits with a pointy end of around 50-70 grams each. Dark-brown fruits with rusty and green stripes. Firm fruits with a crunchy texture and quite long shelf life. Excellent, sweet, and spicy tomato flavor with some acidity. Resistance to late blight. Indeterminate. The meaning in German is “Fairy Tale Monster”. Creation of Kleverhof in Germany. 70-85D. 10seeds/pack
Marzano Fire is a paste-type tomato, containing less water than “regular” tomatoes, perfect for cocking and sauces, etc. Produces elongated fruits with a pointed end, around 100 grams each. Bright-red fruits with golden stripes. Meaty flesh with a sweet, traditional tomato flavor. Creation of Artisan Seeds, USA. 75-80D. Good resistance to fungal attacks. Regular leaf. Semi-determinate. 10seeds/pack
Melanie’s Ballet, 'Dwarf Melanie's Ballet Tomato' is a dwarf variety growing up to 100cm in height. Produces slightly elongated, slightly heart-shaped tomatoes, around 60-120grams each. One of the first paste-type varieties in DTP. Paste-type tomatoes contain less water than "normal" tomatoes and are perfect for tomato sauce, puree, cooking, etc. The fruits are very firm and meaty and not so watery if cooked. Dark-pink fruits with a pleasant, sweet flavor. Rugose, dark green foliage, regular leaf. Derives from "the Leggy Family", Susan Oliverson selected, stabilized, and named the variety. Introduced in 2018. OSSI. 80D. 10seeds/pack.
Merry Dwarf is a mini dwarf variety growing up to about 40-50cm in height. Produces elongated paste-type tomatoes. Bright red, firm fruits with few seeds. Thick walls and good shelf life. Traditional tomato flavor. 70D. 5seeds/pack
Midas is a paste-type tomato with firm fruits, around 50-70 grams per fruit. Elongated, firm, and smooth, golden-orange fruits with a little pointy end. Stores well after harvest. Crack-resistant. Perfect for cooking. Sweet, full tomato flavor. Most likely from Poland. One could assume that the name derives from King Midas, which turned anything he touched into gold! Indeterminate. 75-80D. 10seeds/pack
Mini Amish is a semi-determinate variety growing to about 150-180cm in height. Produces mid-sized, elongated, paste-type cherry tomatoes. Bright-red fruits with a sweet and traditional tomato flavor with a slightly tart finish. Crack-resistant fruits. 70D. 5seeds/pack
Mini Marzano is a micro dwarf variety around 25-35cm high. Elongated fruits with a pointed end, around 15-20grams each. Bright-red fruits with a classic, red tomato flavor. Crack resistant. Keeps well after harvest. Developed from a cross between Brad’s Atomic Grape and a micro variety by Mark Seabolt. Introduced by Wild Boar Farms in 2023. Semi-determinate / Indeterminate. 65-70D. 10seeds/pack
Nariz de Bruja, "Witches Nose", produces long, pointy paste-type tomatoes, around 10-12cm long. Bright-red fruits with sweet tomato flavor. Firm, meaty fruits with few seeds. Crack-resistant and keeps well after picking. This is an indeterminate, vining variety of tomato growing to about 200cm in height and spreads some width-wise depending on how much of the suckers are pruned and the choice of staking and support. Origen: L'Espunyola, Berguedà, Barcelona, Spain. 80D. 10seeds/pack
Opalka produces long, pointy paste-type tomatoes, around 70-150grams each, resembling chili peppers. Bright-red fruits with sweet tomato flavor. Firm, meaty fruits with few seeds. Crack-resistant and keeps well after picking. This is an indeterminate, vining variety of tomato growing to about 200cm in height and spreads some width-wise depending on how much of the suckers are pruned and the choice of staking and support. Poland. 80D. 10seeds/pack
Orange Banana produces oval paste-type tomatoes, up to 100grams each. Bright-orange fruits with sweet tomato flavor. Firm, meaty fruits with few seeds. Crack-resistant and keeps well after picking. This is an indeterminate, vining variety of tomato growing to about 200cm in height and spreads some width-wise depending on how much of the suckers are pruned and the choice of staking and support. 75D. 10seeds/pack
Orange Citron produces lemon-shaped paste-type tomatoes, up to 8cm long. Bright-orange fruits with sweet tomato flavor. Firm, meaty fruits with few seeds. Crack-resistant and keeps well after picking. This is an indeterminate, vining variety of tomato growing to about 200cm in height and spreads some width-wise depending on how much of the suckers are pruned and the choice of staking and support. 75D. 10seeds/pack
Orange Icicle, Sosulka Oranzhevaya, is an indeterminate variety. Produces oblong-chubby paste-type tomatoes of around 60-100 grams each. Bright-orange, firm fruits with few seeds. Sweet tomato flavor with a hint of citrus. From Ukraine. 75D. 5seeds/pack
Orange Roma is a paste-type tomato with firm fruits, around 5-8cm long. Elongated-oval, firm and smooth, golden-orange fruits. Stores well after harvest. Crack-resistant. Perfect for cooking. Sweet tomato flavor. Tetra-cis-lycopene: 4,62. Indeterminate. 70-75D. 10seeds/pack
Palmiza is a paste-type tomato with firm fruits, around 7-12cm long. Elongated, firm, and smooth, golden-orange fruits with a pointed end. Stores well after harvest. Crack-resistant. Perfect for cooking. Sweet tomato flavor. Russia. Indeterminate. 80D. 10seeds/pack
Pera Delta produces oval paste-type tomatoes, up to 8cm long. Bright-red fruits with a traditional tomato flavor. Firm, meaty fruits with few seeds. Crack-resistant and keeps well after picking. This is an indeterminate, vining variety of tomato growing to about 200cm in height and spreads some width-wise depending on how much of the suckers are pruned and the choice of staking and support. Origen: Mas Pastoret, Torredembarra, Spanien. 75-80D. 10seeds/pack
Perterridnyy Polosatyy is a paste-type tomato with firm fruits, around 50 grams per fruit. Elongated, firm, and smooth, golden-orange-striped fruits. Stores well after harvest. Crack-resistant. Perfect for cooking. Sweet tomato flavor. From Russia. Semi-determinate, around 80-120cm high. 75D. 10seeds/pack
Piennolo Lungo produces elongated, large cherry tomatoes with a pointed end, around 10-25 grams each. Shiny red fruits in large clusters. Very firm and meaty fruits with few seeds. Stores well after harvest. Traditional sweet and slightly acidic tomato flavor. Indeterminate. 75-80D. 5seeds/pack