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Grande Rio Verde

Tomatillo Grande Rio Verde

Grande Rio Verde is a Tomatillo with huge apple-green fruits around 70-100grams each. Plants grow to around 60-100cm in height. Good production. Grow two or more plants to ensure good pollination. Use fresh for sauces etc., can also be frozen for later use. Physalis ixocarpa. 85D. 10seeds/pack
Tomatillo Queen of Malinalco

Tomatillo Queen of Malinalco

Queen of Malinalco is a Tomatillo producing huge, elongated, pale-yellow fruits. Medium-sweet, fruity, fresh flavour, different from other tomatillos. Plants grow to around 100-130cm in height. Grow two or more plants to ensure good pollination. Physalis ixocarpa. 85D. From Malinalco, Mexico. 10seeds/pack
Tondo Nero Cherry Tomato

Tondo Nero Cherry Tomato

Tondo Nero is a larger cherry tomato with completely round fruits around 10-20grams each. Very dark brown, almost black fruits with a delicious, full, and sweet tomato flavor. Indeterminate. 70-75D. 10seeds/pack
Tres Cantos Beefsteak Tomato

Tres Cantos Beefsteak Tomato

Tres Cantos, “Three Songs”, is a large beefsteak tomato up to 300 grams per fruit. Shiny red, large fruits with a traditional, old-time flavor. Juicy, quite firm fruits with few seeds. From Tenerife. Indeterminate. 75-80D. 10seeds/pack
Trinidad Purple Coffee Chili Pepper

Trinidad Purple Coffee Chili Pepper

Trinidad Purple Coffee is a beautiful variety with fruits ripening in a large variety of colors. Upright growing pods that ripen from green, purple, yellow, and orange to red as fully ripe. Quite compact plants, around 50-60cm high. Can be used as an ornamental plant due to its beauty but the fruits can also be used for sauce, power, cooking, etc. Around 50.000-100.000 SHU. Mid-season. Capsicum annuum. 10seeds/pack
Turnip Svedjerova

Turnip Svedjerova

Svedjerova is an old Finish variety of turnips. “Svedje” translates to “burnt woodland” and “rova” is the Swedish word for turnip. This variety was traditionally grown by Finnish/Swedish people, first, they burnt a patch of woodland to clear it out and produce ashes and nutrients. Then they grew the turnips. Turnips are easy to grow, and can of course be grown without burning woodland! The roots are flat-round, violet with white bottom. Some roots are yellow-white-green. The flesh is tender, white, juicy, and crispy. Harvest when the turnips are around 6-8cm in diameter. Don’t let them grow too large, then they get harder and not as delicious. Can be eaten raw, in soups, pots, baked in the oven, mashed, etc. 65D. Brassica rapa. Around 100seeds/pack
Unique Sweet Pea


Unique flowers with beautiful pale-blue-white-streaked flowers. Excellent fragrance. Grows up to about 100cm in height. Openly pollinated, some deviation may occur. Lathyrus odoratus. 12seeds/pack
Unknown Variety Tomato

Unknown Variety 2022 Tomato

Unknown Variety came to us as ‘Kozula 139’, which it’s clearly not since ‘Kozula 139’ is a paste-type variety. ‘Unknow Variety’ turned out to be an awesome variety though. Multi-colored/striped fruits in metallic-green-red with green-pink flesh. The fruits are flat round and ribbed, weighing around 100-200 grams each. Great slicing tomato with a juicy and sweet tomato flavor. Indeterminate. 75-80D. 10seeds/pack
Vesennij Mieurinskij Cherry Tomato

Vesennij Michurinskij Cherry Tomato

Vesennij Michurinskij is a larger cherry tomato with round fruits around 10-20grams each. Heavy yielder of bright red fruits with a fruity, aromatic sweet tomato flavor. From Russia. Does well also in a cooler climate. Indeterminate. 60-65D. 10seeds/pack
Vidimo Nevidimo Bush Tomato

Vidimo Nevidimo Bush Tomato

Vidimo Nevidimo is a bush variety growing to about 60-80cm in height and spreads width-wise around 50cm. Heavy yielder of regular-sized tomatoes, around 60-100grams each. Bright red fruits with red flesh. Sweet, traditional tomato flavor. Does well in cooler weather. 60-70D. Determinate. Russia. 10seeds/pack
Walters Fancy Dwarf Tomato

Walters Fancy DTP Dwarf Tomato

Walter's Fancy, ‘Dwarf Walter's Fancy Tomato’, is a dwarf variety growing up to 90cm in average in height. Produces oblate, slightly ribbed, smooth tomatoes, around 100-300grams each. Pale yellow fruits with a well-balanced, but intense tomato flavor. Rugose potato leaves. Beautiful variegated foliage, with streaks in crème-white and pink. ‘Walter's Fancy’ is one of the three first varieties with variegated foliage developed by “The Dwarf Tomato Project”. Derives from “the Acey Family”. Named by Craig LeHoullier after his grandfather Walter. Introduced in 2021. OSSI. 90D. 5seeds/pack.
Wasabino Mustard

Wasabino Mustard

Wasabino produces beautiful, light-green, very frizzy leaves. Large crowns of very large, crispy, and sturdy leaves. The taste is close to wasabi. Eat raw in salads etc. If cooked, just cook slightly. The leaves lose their taste if heated too long. Grows fast. Cold hardy, can be harvested late in the autumn. 40D. Brassica juncea. Around 200seeds/pack
White Celery Mustard Pak Choi

White Celery Mustard Pak Choi

White Celery Mustard produces strong Pac Chois in white and shiny dark green. Very long stalks in clear white, up to 50cm in height. Mild kale-flavor. Not a mustardy flavor as the name claims. Grows fast. Cold hardy, can be harvested late in the autumn. 60D. Brassica rapa var. chinensis. Around 100seeds/pack
White Tomasol Tomato

White Tomesol Tomato

White Tomesol is a normal-sized tomato producing fruits of around 70-200 grams each. Oblate, slightly ribbed fruits in a beautiful crème white-yellow color. Some fruits get a blush of pink at the blossom end. Excellent, fragrant, sweet, and rich tomato flavor. Indeterminate. 80D. 10seeds/pack
White Zebra Tomato

White Zebra Tomato

White Zebra is a normal-sized tomato, around 80-150 grams per fruit. Round to oblate beautiful fruits. Ripen from pale green with green stripes to white with golden-pink stripes. Sweet and fruity tomato flavor, with a lemony tang. Indeterminate. 75-80D. 10seeds/pack
Yukon Chief Sweet Corn

Yukon Chief Sweet Corn

Yukon Chief Sweet Corn is one of the earliest varieties of corn. During good conditions, Yukon Chief is ready to eat in only 55 days. Golden yellow ears around 15cm long with a traditional sweet corn flavor. Sturdy dwarf plants reach around 100cm. Germinates and grows well also in cooler soils. Developed at the University of Alaska, released in 1958. 20seeds/pack.
Zipser Turkenspitz Sweet Pepper

Zipser Turkenspitz Sweet Pepper

Zipser Turkenspitz, “Turkish Shoes of the Zips”, is a cone-shaped-chubby bell pepper with mid-sized fruits around 40-50gram. The fruits ripen to golden-orange-red. Fruity and sweet bell pepper flavor. Plants grow to about 60-70cm in height. From the Zips region in Slovakia. Capsicum annuum. Mid-season. 10seeds/pack
Zuckertraube Cherry Tomato

Zuckertraube Cherry Tomato

Zuckertraube is a cherry tomato with round fruits around 10-20grams each. Heavy yielder of bright, shiny red fruits with a fruity with a very sweet and juicy tomato flavor. Indeterminate. 65D. 10seeds/pack
Zulu Sweet Pepper

Zulu Sweet Pepper

Zulu is a blocky bell pepper with mid-sized fruits. Beautiful fruits that ripen from black to red. Juicy and sweet, slightly sharp, bell pepper flavor. Sturdy plants around 50-60cm in height. From Poland. Capsicum annuum. Mid-season. 10seeds/pack
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