

Cucurbitaceae, "the Gourd Family", is the family name for cucumbers, squash, pumpkins, melons, kiwano, gourds, and more. In total, this family contains almost 1000 species, grown both for food and for ornamental purposes. 

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Lungo Verde Degli Ortolani

Lungo Verde Degli Ortolani Cucumber

Lungo Verde Degli Ortolani is a traditional cucumber from Italy. Cylindrical, dark-skinned, and smooth fruits around 20-25cm long. Crispy texture with few seeds. Cucumis sativus. 10seeds/pack
Marina di Chioggia

Marina di Chioggia

Marina di Chioggia produces large, flattened fruits, up to 4-10kg each. The fruits are greyish in color and heavily mottled and bumpy. Orange flesh, very nice taste, especially after some time of storing. Stores well. Vining variety, up to 3-5m. Cucurbita maxima. 5seeds/pack
Marketmore 76 Cucumber

Marketmore 76 Cucumber

Marketmore 76 Cucumber produces "normal", long salad-cucumbers, around 15-20cm long. Straight, dark-green, lumpy fruits with crisp white flesh. Does well also in a cooler climate. Cucumis sativus. 10seeds/pack
Ananas Melon

Melon Ananas

Ananas produces yellow-orange-brown fruits with creme-yellow flesh. Sweet flavor. The fruits are slightly ragged, with a bark-like pattern. Later variety, grow in a warm place or greenhouse. Cucumis melo. 10seeds/pack
Melon Billberga

Melon Billeberga

Melon Billeberga is a Swedish melon grown in Sweden already in the 1940s. The variety is described in Weibull AB’s catalog from 1944. Billeberga is a local variety of first class. Round to slightly oval fruits around 1-1,5kg each. Yellow, finely ribbed skin. Orange-yellow flesh with excellent flavor. Meaty fruits with a small core with few seeds. Cucumis melo. 6seeds/pack
Melon Cantaloupe di Charentais

Melon Cantaloupe di Charentais

Melon Cantaloupe di Charentais produces round fruits with light, bark-like skin with stripes, around 1kg each. The flesh is light-orange-yellow with a sweet and pleasant melon flavor. Mid-season, around 85 days. 10seeds/pack
Jaune Canari 3 Melon

Melon Jaune Canari 3

Jaune Canari 3 produces oval, yellow fruits with creme-colored flesh. Sweet flavor with a nice aroma. Later variety, grow in a warm place or greenhouse. Cucumis melo. 10seeds/pack
Melon Kajari

Melon Kajari

Kajari is a melon from Punjab, India. Beautiful, round to oblate fruits with stripes in orange-green-white up to 1kg each. Green flesh with an excellent sweet honey-melon flavor. When fully ripe the fruits fall from the vine. If grown on a trellis, be sure to bind the fruits so they don’t fall to the ground and crack. 70-75D. Cucumis melo. 10seeds/pack
Napoletano Giallo 3 Melon

Melon Napoletano Giallo 3

Larger melon with golden-yellow skin. White, sweet flesh with an excellent flavour. Can be stored for a long time. While being stored, the flesh matures and gets sweeter. Later variety. Cucumis melo. 10seeds/pack
Queen Anne’s Pocket Melon

Melon Queen Anne’s Pocket

Queen Anne’s Pocket Melon is a variety with tiny fruits of around 50grams each. Golden orange fruits with golden stripes. Juicy fruits with a mild and sweet melon flavor, can be served with warm honey. Exquisite fragrance. Was used during the Victorian era by ladies who wore fruits as perfume. Cucumis melo. 85D. 10seeds/pack
Retato Degli Ortolani Melon

Melon Retato Degli Ortolani

Retato Degli Ortolani produces oval fruits around 2kg with salmon-orange flesh. The skin is chamois coloured. Delicious flavour with a strong aroma. Cucumis melo. 10seeds/pack
St. Vasileios Melon

Melon St. Vasileios

St. Vasileios, ”Agíou Vasileíou” produces elongated, slightly ribbed, yellow to dark-yellow fruits. Crème-white flesh with a sweet flavor and intense aroma. Around 3-4kg. The plants have small lobed, light-green leaves. Late variety. From Greece. Cucumis melo. 10seeds/pack
Melon Tendral Verde Tardio

Melon Tendral Verde Tardio

Melon Tendral Verde Tardio produces oval-elongated, dark-green, slightly ribbed fruits, around 1-3kg each. The flesh is light-green, with a very sweet and pleasant melon flavor. Can be a bit difficult to see when the fruits are completely ripe. Stores very well after harvest, used as a winter melon. Late variety, around 100 days. 10seeds/pack
Thrace Melon

Melon Thrakiotiko

Melon Thrakiotiko, or Thrace Melon, produces large, globe-shaped melons up to 3kg, with a little “nose”. The skin is yellow with dark spots and speckles. The flesh is crème-white with a hint of pale-yellow-orange. Firm flesh with a delicious, sweet, and juicy flavor. The flesh has a hint of floral honey. Later variety. Old heirloom variety from the region of Thrace, which includes parts of Greece, Turkey, and Bulgaria. Cucumis melo. 10seeds/pack
Zakynthos Melon

Melon Zakynthos

Zakynthos produces flattened fruits, slightly ribbed in “slices”. Golden to paler yellow fruits with white-green flesh. Sweet flavor with a pleasant aroma. Earlier variety. From Greece. Cucumis melo. 10seeds/pack
Musquee de Provance

Musquee de Provence

Musquee de Provence produces pumpkin-shaped, ribbed, flattened fruits, around 2-7kg each. Ripen from green to brown-orange. Creamy, sweet, orange flesh. Stores well. Cucurbita moschata. 15seeds/pack
Patisson White Squash

Patisson White Squash

Patisson White Squash produces smaller, flattened, white fruits. Also called "mussel squash". Mild, tender, sweet flesh. Bush-variety, around 60cm high and 90cm wide. Cucurbita pepo. 7seeds/pack
Redondo de Niza Zucchini

Redondo de Niza Zucchini

Redondo de Niza Zucchini produces smaller, round, light-green fruits, around 8cm in diameter. Mild, sweet, tender flesh. Bush-variety, around 60cm high and 90cm wide. Seeds are treated with thiram, sulfur, as a fungicide. Harmless, but seeds should not be eaten. Cucurbita pepo. 10seeds/pack
Telegraph Improved Cucumber

Telegraph Improved Cucumber

Telegraph produces "normal", long salad cucumbers, up to 30-40cm long. Medium to dark-green fruits with crisp, juicy white flesh. Few warts/bumps on the skin. Cucumis sativus. 6seeds/pack
Temprano de Argelia Zucchini

Temprano de Argelia Zucchini

Temprano de Argelia Zucchini, "Early from Alger", produces cylindrical, light-green, slightly spotted fruits. Mild, sweet, tender flesh. Bush-variety, around 50cm high and 70cm wide. Early, 54D. Cucurbita pepo. 10seeds/pack