We normally picture aubergines as the dark-purple-black oval-elongated fruits used for moussaka. They appear in many different colors and shapes, though! There are white, yellow, pink, green, purple - even striped and red varieties. Some have a very strong, traditional aubergine flavor. But there are also varieties with a very sweet and mild flavor that can be eaten raw or without salting out the bitterness.
Rosita produces oval, large fruits. Beautiful dark-lavender-pink fruits with excellent, mild, tender flesh, without bitterness. Plants grow to about 70-100cm in height. Solanum melongena. Puerto Rico, 1940. ISO. 10seeds/pack
Snake of Mugla produces very long, dark-purple fruits, up to 30-40cm. Tender, mild, sweet flesh without bitterness. Plants grow to about 70-80cm in height. Solanum melongena. Old variety from Mugla, Turkey. 10seeds/pack
Thai Lavender Frog Egg is a high yielder of small, round, ping-pong-sized fruits. Beautiful lavender-purple-white fruits. Tender, mild, flesh. Plants grow to about 30-40cm in height. Solanum melongena. 15seeds/pack
Tsakoniki produces large, elongated-oval fruits. Beautiful fruits in purple-white-striped. Pleasant aubergine flavor without too much bitterness. Plants grow to about 80-100cm in height. Solanum melongena. Greece. Mid-season. ISO. 10seeds/pack
White Egg produces small to mid-sized, egg-shaped fruits. Clear white fruits that ripen to golden yellow as over-ripe. Best harvested as white. Plants grow to about 50cm in height. Solanum melongena. Early. ISO. 10seeds/pack