Snake of Mugla produces very long, dark-purple fruits, up to 30-40cm. Tender, mild, sweet flesh without bitterness. Plants grow to about 70-80cm in height. Solanum melongena. Old variety from Mugla, Turkey. OP. 15seeds/pack
Normally aubergine plants, also called eggplants, grow to about 70cm high. But there are also more compact varieties about 50cm high and also higher varieties up to 150cm. The flavor ranges from very mild and sweet to very strong with a traditional aubergine flavor. Can be used fresh and raw in salads etc, cooked in stews and pots, for moussaka, fried, and much more.
How to Grow
Aubergines are heat-demanding plants. In a cooler climate, a protected area or a greenhouse is recommended. Sow indoors in sterilized potting soil, about 0,5cm - 1cm deep. The best temperature for germination is about 24-30°C. Aubergine takes a long time to germinate, in general about 10-30 days. After germination, lower the temperature to around 20°C. Aubergines are quite slow and require a long season to produce fruit. Sow between 2-5 months before planting outdoors. Can be pruned for more compact plants.