

Legumes are plants in the family Fabaceae. Beans, longbeans, peas, brodbeans and other varieties. All of them nitrogen-fixing as Green Manure!

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Swedish Snow Pea

Swedish Snow Pea

Swedish Snow Pea is a medium-high variety of snow pea. Heavy yielder of sturdy, greens pods with large oval peas. Not too sweet. Emigrant variety from Swedes living in Maine, USA. From Seeds Savers Exchange. Pisum sativum. 10seeds/pack
Syn Bonen Pole Bean

Syn Bonen Pole Bean

Syn Bonen Pole Bean is a pole bean growing to about 200cm in height. Produces large, broad, green pods with large white beans inside. Best harvested as fully dry and mature as cooking-bean. Can be used for soups, hummus, pots, and stews. Can be stored as a dry bean for later use. From Portugal. 100D. Phaseolus vulgaris. 10seeds/pack
Tant Erika Snow Pea

Tant Erika Snow Pea

Tant Erika is a snow pea that grows to around 150-170cm high and needs support. Flowers with white flowers. Produces green, thin pods with a sweet and crispy flavor. Has been grown locally in Sunderbyn, Luleå, Sweden since the end of 1800. Pisum sativum. 10seeds/pack
Tapir Long Bean

Tapir Long Bean

Tapir is a climbing variety growing to about 200cm in height. Produces very long, green pods, around 40-60cm long. Some pods can even reach 90cm in length! Slightly asparagus-like, delicious flavor. Eat slightly boiled or wooked. Brown seeds. Heat demanding and drought hardy. Vigna unguiculata. 10seeds/pack
Tom Thumb Pea

Tom Thumb Pea

Tom Thumb is a pea that grows to around 20-25cm high and hardly needs any support. Flowers with white flowers. Chubby, green pods with green seeds. Harvest immature pods as snow peas and use mature pods as shelling peas. Great to grow in pots and containers. Frost tolerant. Early, 50-55D. Pisum sativum. 10seeds/pack
Un Metro Ramp Long Bean

Un Metro Ramp Long Bean

Un Metro Ramp Long Bean is a climbing variety growing to about 200cm in height. Produces very long, green pods, around 25-40cm long. Slightly asparagus-like, delicious flavor. Eat slightly boiled or wooked. Red seeds. Heat demanding and drought hardy. Vigna unguiculata. 10seeds/pack