

How to Ferment Your Tomato Seeds
(0) How to Ferment Your Tomato Seeds

This is a guide on how to ferment your tomato seeds. If you are only keeping a few seeds for yourself you can just daub them onto a piece of paper. But fermented seeds get clean, nice, fluffy, and easy to handle. You also get rid of seed-borne diseases and the fermented and dry seeds will keep a goo...

Walking Onions
(0) Walking Onions

These little darlings have several names. Walking Onions, Egyptian Walking Onions, Tree Onions, Topsetting Onions, or as we call them in Swedish - “Air Onions”. The scientific name is Allium × proliferum. And yes, they sure are very prolific, as the name tells!

Our specific strain of Walking Onions...

Different Types of Tomatoes
(0) Different Types of Tomatoes

There are many different types of tomatoes. Both considering the growth habit and fruit type. Everything from the smallest plants only 20cm high to types that can cover several square meters, from the tiniest currant tomato to large beefsteak weighing several kilos. You find varieties that start rip...

Longkeeper Tomatoes
(0) Longkeeper Tomatoes
Tomates de Colgar, Tomàtiga de Ramallet, Piennolo Tomatoes... We find many names for those we love. Growing these varieties will allow you to eat your own, homegrown tomatoes all year round.
Darkwinged Fungus Gnats
(0) Darkwinged Fungus Gnats
Darkwinged Fungus Gnats can be a real hassle while starting your seedlings indoors! Here you will find some great advice on how to handle the problem.