
Normal Sized

All varieties in this category are normal-sized tomatoes, around 50-200grams each, with different colors and tastes. All varieties are of indeterminate growth. Indeterminate means that the plant will keep on growing and producing fruit all season. Should preferably be staked or supported and might require pruning of the suckers. Read more about different types of tomatoes.

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De Barao Black Tomato

De Barao Black Tomato

De Barao Black produces meaty, mid-sized, oval-plum-shaped tomatoes around 40-90grams each. Heavy yielder! The fruits have a dark-brown color with dark-green necks. Firm flesh, almost like a paste-type tomato. Good tomato flavor, both as fresh and as sauce, etc. Developed from ‘Barao’ in Russia. Introduced in Seed Savers Yearbook 1997. Does well also in cooler weather. Regular leaf. Indeterminate. 70D. 10seeds/pack
De Barao Pink Tomato

De Barao Pink Tomato

De Barao Pink produces meaty, mid-sized, oval-plum-shaped tomatoes around 40-90grams each. Heavy yielder! The fruits have a clear-pink color with pink flesh. Firm flesh, almost like a paste-type tomato. Good tomato flavor, both as fresh and as sauce, etc. From Russia. Does well also in cooler weather. Regular leaf. Indeterminate. 70D. 10seeds/pack
De Barao Red Tomato

De Barao Red Tomato

De Barao Red produces meaty, mid-sized, oval-round tomatoes of around 40-90 grams each. The fruits have a clear-red color with red flesh. Firm flesh, almost like a paste-type tomato. Sweet, traditional tomato flavor, both as fresh and as sauce, etc. From Brazil. Regular leaf. Indeterminate. 70D. 5seeds/pack
Desdemonas Heart Tomato

Desdemonas Heart Tomato

Desdemonas Heart produces heart-shaped, normal-sized tomatoes around 100-150grams each. Beautiful golden yellow fruits with pink-red stripes. Meaty fruits, golden-pink flesh with excellent fruity flavor. This is an indeterminate, vining variety of tomato growing to about 200cm in height and spreads some width-wise depending on how much of the suckers are pruned and the choice of staking and support. 80D. 10seeds/pack
Deutscher Fleiss Tomato

Deutscher Fleiss Tomato

Deutscher Fleiss produces round, mid-sized fruits around 60-100 grams each, around 4-6cm in diameter. Good yields of red fruits with red flesh. Fruity and tart-sweet, traditional tomato flavor. From Germany. Keeps well on the plants and good shelf-life. The name means “German diligence” in German. Indeterminate. Quite early 60-70D. 10seeds/pack
Dirty Little Chicken Tomato

Dirty Little Chicken Tomato

Dirty Little Chicken is a normal-sized tomato to a small beefsteak tomato, around 100-250 grams per fruit. Round to slightly flattened yellow fruits with some spots, giving the fruits a “dusty” appearance. Juicy and sweet tomato flavor. Described on other sites as both a dwarf and as an indeterminate variety. Our plants grew as an indeterminate variety. 75-80D. 10seeds/pack
Dos Mercados Tomato

Dos Mercados Tomato

Dos Mercados produces mid-sized to large fruits good for slicing. Round and slightly flattened red fruits with a traditional juicy, sweet tomato flavor. From Spain. Indeterminate. 75-80D. 10seeds/pack
Drapée Tomato

Drapée Tomato

Drapée produces bell-pepper-shaped, strongly wrinkled, draped fruits of around 100-150 grams each. Creamy yellow fruits that might turn slightly orange as fully ripe. Hollow and very dry and firm fruits with little gel and extremely few seeds. Good for cooking, sauces and great as a stuffing tomato. Might originate from Italy. Indeterminate. 75-80D. 5seeds/pack
Earl of Edgecombe Tomato

Earl of Edgecombe Tomato

Earl of Edgecombe produces slightly flattened, slightly ribbed fruits around 80-200 grams each. Dark orange, firm, and dense fruits with orange flesh. Excellent well-balanced, not too sweet, tomato flavor. Family heritage from New Zealand. Featured in the 1997 Seed Savers Yearbook by Carolyn Homme. Quite resistant to blossom end rot (BER) and crack-resistant. The content of Tetra-cis-lycopene is 2.52 according to the NZ Heritage Food Crops Research Project. Semi-determinate, around 100-130cm high. 70-75D. 5seeds/pack
Edith Bernhard Tomato

Edith Bernhard Tomato

Edith Bernhard produces round, small to mid-sized fruits around 40-100 grams each. Golden-yellow fruits with antho-brown splashes and neck. The fruits get a stronger antho-color where they are exposed to the sun. Firm but juicy flesh with a sweet and slightly acidic tomato flavor. Sparse foliage. From Austria, named after its creator. Indeterminate. 70-75D. 10seeds/pack
Efiop Tomato

Efiop Tomato

Efiop produces oval to slightly heart-shaped, normal-sized tomatoes around 70grams each. Dark-brown fruits with a greener neck. Very firm and meaty fruits, almost paste-type.Crack-resistant fruits that keep well after picking. Pleasant well-balanced tomato flavor. This is an indeterminate, vining variety of tomato growing to about 200cm in height and spreads some width-wise depending on how much of the suckers are pruned and the choice of staking and support. Russia. 80D. 10seeds/pack
Emalia Tomato

Emalia Tomato

Emalia produces oval, elongated fruits with a pointed end, around 5-8cm long. Beautiful, shiny fruits in a brownish-cream color with green stripes. Firm and meaty fruits with firm flesh and smaller seed cavities. Sweet and aromatic tomato flavor. Stores well after harvest. Cross between 'Lucky Tiger' and 'Orange Walk'. Semi-determinate. 75-80D. 10seeds/pack
Emerald Pear Tomato

Emerald Pear Tomato

Emerald Pear is also known as Izumradnaya Grusha and Smaragdbirne. Oval-pear-shaped fruits of around 80-100 grams each. Amazing, clear-green color. Doesn’t turn bronze-green as fully ripe as most green varieties, but stays bright-green. Very fruity and sweet tomato flavor. From China. Indeterminate. 75-80D. 10seeds/pack
Eva Purple Ball Tomato

Eva Purple Ball Tomato

Eva Purple Ball produces round, small to mid-sized fruits around 50-120 grams each. Very pretty, smooth-skinned, shiny deep-pink fruits with pink flesh. Excellent sweet tomato flavor. Originates from the Black Forest region in Germany around the late 1800s, according to the late Dr. Carolyn Male. Indeterminate. 70-75D. 10seeds/pack
Evans Purple Tomato

Evans Purple Tomato

Evans Purple produces round to oblate, mid-sized fruits of around 70-100 grams each. Very pretty fruits in dark-red-purple with dark green neck. Red-purple flesh with contrasting, green gel. Excellent, rich, and sweet tomato flavor. Indeterminate. 75D. 10seeds/pack
Ficarazzi Tomato

Ficarazzi Tomato

Ficarazzi produces flattened, ribbed mid-sized tomatoes of around 80-150 grams each. Very pretty, bright red classical Italian fruits of costoluto-type with red flesh. Traditional sweet tomato flavor. Good disease resistance and low water needs. From Italy, cited in 1885 in the Damman catalog in Naples. Indeterminate. 70-75D. 10seeds/pack
Finnish Yellow Tomato

Finnish Yellow Tomato

Finnish Yellow produces round, normal-sized tomatoes in long clusters. Golden-yellow fruits with a mild, sweet tomato flavor. Crack-resistant fruits that keep well after picking. This is an indeterminate, vining variety of tomato growing to about 200cm in height and spreads some width-wise depending on how much of the suckers are pruned and the choice of staking and support. 75D. 10seeds/pack
Flanders Contrast Tomato

Flanders Contrast Tomato

Flanders Contrast produces pear-shaped, normal-sized tomatoes around 80-180grams each. Stunning fruits in green-yellow with an indigo-purple neck. Lime-green flesh with a mild and sweet tomato flavor. This is an indeterminate, vining variety of tomato growing to about 200cm in height and spreads some width-wise depending on how much of the suckers are pruned and the choice of staking and support. Tom Wagner. 75D. 10seeds/pack
Gargamel Tomato

Gargamel Tomato

Gargamel produces round to oblate, normal-sized tomatoes around 60grams each. Multi-colored fruits in orange-yellow-red with purple-brown stripes and neck. Keeps well after picking. Sweet, fresh juicy tomato flavor. This is an indeterminate, vining variety of tomato growing to about 200cm in height and spreads some width-wise depending on how much of the suckers are pruned and the choice of staking and support. USA. 75D. 10seeds/pack
Getonia Tomato

Getonia Tomato

Getonia produces round, smooth, normal-sized tomatoes, varying in weight from 70-240grams each. Bright-red fruits with pleasant traditional tomato flavor. This is an indeterminate, vining variety of tomato growing to about 200cm in height and spreads some width-wise depending on how much of the suckers are pruned and the choice of staking and support. Does well also in cooler weather. Resistant against blight. 80D. 10seeds/pack
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