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Märchenfee Cherry Tomato

MärchenFee Large Cherry Tomato

MärchenFee produces bottle-shaped cherry tomatoes of around 5-25 grams each, with a little pointed end. The meaning in German is “Fairy Tale Fairy”. The fruits ripen to a beautiful deep pink with a dark-purple neck. The flesh is pink and the texture is crunchy. Exotic, fruity, and sweet tomato flavor. Heavy yielder. Resistant to late blight. Semi-determinate bush. Creation of Kleverhof in Germany. 75D. 10seeds/pack
Märchenglanz Cherry Tomato

MärchenGlanz Large Cherry Tomato

MärchenGlanz produces round large cherry tomatoes of around 20-35 grams each. The meaning in German is “Fairy Tale Shine”. The fruits ripen from green-dark-purple to pink with dark-purple necks. Very shiny skin! The flesh is pink. Tart-aromatic tomato flavor and an exotic aroma. Resistant to late blight. Indeterminate. Creation of Kleverhof in Germany. 75-80D. 10seeds/pack
Märchenwald Tomato

MärchenWald Tomato

MärchenWald produces midsized round to oblate fruits of around 60-100 grams each. The meaning in German is “Fairy Tale Forest”. The fruits are forest green with dark-purple necks. The flesh is lime green. Sweet tomato flavor with some acidity and an exotic aroma. Resistant to late blight. Indeterminate. Creation of Kleverhof in Germany. 75-80D. 10seeds/pack
Maritime Bells Dwarf Tomato

Maritime Bells Dwarf Tomato

Maritime Bells is a dwarf variety around 100-120cm high. Produces mid-sized, pear-shaped fruits of around 40-70 grams each. Beautifully colored in purple-pink-green. Purple flesh with a juicy, sweet tomato flavor. Cross by Jason Haynes, USA. Regular leaf. Determinate. 75D. 5seeds/pack
Marzano Fire Paste-Type Tomato

Marzano Fire Paste-Type Tomato

Marzano Fire is a paste-type tomato, containing less water than “regular” tomatoes, perfect for cocking and sauces, etc. Produces elongated fruits with a pointed end, around 100 grams each. Bright-red fruits with golden stripes. Meaty flesh with a sweet, traditional tomato flavor. Creation of Artisan Seeds, USA. 75-80D. Good resistance to fungal attacks. Regular leaf. Semi-determinate. 10seeds/pack
Mayflower Pole Bean

Mayflower Pole Bean

Mayflower Pole Bean climbs up to more than 200cm and needs support. Produces green, short pods with beautiful cream-colored and dark-red-mottled beans inside. Harvest young pods as snap string beans. Fully matured beans can be dried and used as soup beans, etc. The legend says that these beans were brought to the USA from Europe on the Mayflower. Phaseolus vulgaris. 100D. 10seeds/pack
Mbombo Pole Bean

Mbombo Pole Bean

Mbombo is a pole bean around 150-180cm high. The pods are around 10-15cm long. Kidney-shaped beans in an amazing emerald-gemstone-green color. Use young pods as haricots verts. Use fully matured and dried beans, for cooking. Drought and heat-tolerant. From Kenya, Africa. Named after the tribal Creator God, Mbombo. Phaseolus vulgaris. 60-75D. 10seeds/pack
Melon Billberga

Melon Billeberga

Melon Billeberga is a Swedish melon grown in Sweden already in the 1940s. The variety is described in Weibull AB’s catalog from 1944. Billeberga is a local variety of first class. Round to slightly oval fruits around 1-1,5kg each. Yellow, finely ribbed skin. Orange-yellow flesh with excellent flavor. Meaty fruits with a small core with few seeds. Cucumis melo. 6seeds/pack
Micro Gemma Micro Dwarf Tomato

Micro Gemma Micro Dwarf Tomato

Micro Gemma is a micro dwarf variety around 15-20cm high. Round-oval cherry tomatoes, around 3-4grams each. Golden-yellow, firm and crisp fruits. Intense, sweet but slightly tart tomato flavor. Developed for the International Space Station. Its sister is the red variety - Micro-Tina. Determinate. 65-70D. 5seeds/pack
Midnight Sun Beefsteak Tomato

Midnight Sun Beefsteak Tomato

Midnight Sun produces beautiful heart-shaped beefsteak tomatoes around 200-400grams each. Golden-yellow-orange fruits with pink marbling. Meaty and firm fruits with few seeds. Delicious rich and fruit tomato flavor. Potato leaf. Indeterminate. Cross between ‘Ludmilla Pink Heart’ and ‘Captain Lucky’. This variety is bred by Karen Olivier (Northern Gardener) of Canada in the project “True North”. The other varieties in the project are Polaris, Taiga, Tundra, and True Colors. Around 75-80D. 5seeds/pack
Mikado Black Beefsteak Tomato

Mikado Black Beefsteak Tomato

Mikado Black produces mid-sized, flattened beefsteak tomatoes around 150-200 grams each. Dark-purple black fruits with green-ish coloring. Meaty fruits with a sweet and smokey tomato flavor. Indeterminate. 75-80D. 10seeds/pack
Mila Cherry Tomato

Mila Large Cherry Tomato

Mila produces large, pear-shaped cherry tomatoes around 30-60grams each. The fruits are tangerine-orange-colored. Orange flesh with a sweet, well-balanced tomato flavor. From Russia. Regular leaf. Indeterminate. 70-75D. 5seeds/pack
Mini Marzano Micro Dwarf Tomato

Mini Marzano Micro Dwarf Tomato

Mini Marzano is a micro dwarf variety around 25-35cm high. Elongated fruits with a pointed end, around 15-20grams each. Bright-red fruits with a classic, red tomato flavor. Crack resistant. Keeps well after harvest. Developed from a cross between Brad’s Atomic Grape and a micro variety by Mark Seabolt. Introduced by Wild Boar Farms in 2023. Semi-determinate / Indeterminate. 65-70D. 10seeds/pack
Mix of Many Colours

Mix of Many Colours

Sweet Pea Mix of Many Colors contains many different colors of lovely sweet peas. Dark purple, blue, pink, white, and mixed colors. Grows up to about 150-200cm in height. Lathyrus odoratus. 30seeds/pack
Moment Micro Dwarf Tomato

Moment Micro Dwarf Tomato

Moment is a micro dwarf variety around 25-30cm high. Round larger cherry tomatoes. Bright-red fruits with a classic, strong tomato flavor. Regular leaf. Determinate. 65D. 10seeds/pack
Monetka Micro Dwarf Tomato

Monetka Micro Dwarf Tomato

Monetka, “Coin”, is a micro dwarf variety around 20-25cm high. Round cherry tomatoes with a medium-firm texture, not too crunchy and not too mushy. Bright yellow fruits with a flavorful and sweet tomato flavor. Regular leaf. Determinate. 65D. 10seeds/pack
Moranguinho Chili Pepper

Moranguinho Chili Pepper

Moranguinho produces quite compact and bushy plants around 50-60cm in height and spreads around 50-70cm widthwise. Produces small, cone-shaped fruits that ripen from white, to yellow-orange and to red as fully ripe. Mild, around 5.000 SHU. Capsicum baccatum. Mid-season. 10seeds/pack
Mors Stora Ärtor Marrowfat Pea

Mors Stora Ärtor Marrowfat Pea

Mors Stora Ärtor, "Mothers Large Peas", is a marrowfat pea that grows to around 160-180cm high and needs support. Flowers with white flowers. Produces large, green pods with large, green, sweet peas. Unripe pods are eaten like snow peas. Fully mature pods are shelled and eaten like marrow-fat peas. Eat fresh, freeze, or can for later use. From Skåne, Sweden. Pisum sativum. 10seeds/pack
My Dancing Green Fingers Cherry Tomato

My Dancing Green Fingers Cherry Tomato

My Dancing Green Fingers produces elongated cherry tomatoes with a pointed end, around 2cm long. Beautiful, almost translucent, green fruits with few seeds. Delicious, mild-sweet tomato flavor. Bred by Bart Praet, Belgium. The second-best tomato at the “Ferme Nos Pilifs” Tomatofest in Brussels in 2021. Indeterminate. 70-75D. 5seeds/pack
Nano Ciliegia Dwarf Tomato

Nano Ciliegia Dwarf Tomato

Nano Ciliegia, “Dwarf Cherry”, is a dwarf variety around 70-90cm high. Heavy yielder of large cherry tomatoes. Red fruits with a sweet, strong, traditional tomato flavor. A bit thicker skin but crack resistant. Very good production! From Sicily, Italy. Regular leaf. Determinate. 65D. 10seeds/pack
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