
High Growing Tomatoes

Here you will find high-growing, indeterminate tomatoes. Indeterminate tomatoes keep growing and setting fruit as long as the season allows them to. Needs staking and preferably pruning of suckers. Read more about different kinds of tomatoes.

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Currant Gold Rush Cherry Tomato

Currant Gold Rush Cherry Tomato

Currant Gold Rush produces round small currant/cherry tomatoes. Golden-yellow fruits in very long clusters. Sweet flavor. This is an indeterminate, vining variety of tomato growing to about 200cm in height and spreads some width-wise depending on how much of the suckers are pruned and the choice of staking and support. Lycopersicon/Solanum pimpinellifolium. The Netherlands. 75D. 10seeds/pack
Cytrynek Cherry Tomato

Cytrynek Cherry Tomato

Cytrynek produces small to mid-sized, round-to-oval cherry tomatoes. Golden-yellow and firm fruits with a sweet, slightly acidic tomato flavor. Keeps well on the plants and after harvest. Crack resistant. From Poland. Indeterminate. 70-75D. 10seeds/pack
Dad's Sunset Beefsteak Tomato

Dad's Sunset Beefsteak Tomato

Dad's Sunset produces round, small beefsteak tomatoes around 90-180grams each. Golden-yellow-orange, meaty fruits with fruity, fresh, sweet tomato flavor. This is an indeterminate, vining variety of tomato growing to about 200cm in height and spreads some width-wise depending on how much of the suckers are pruned and the choice of staking and support. Tetra-cis-lycopene: 1,01. 75D. 10seeds/pack
Dagma’s Perfection Tomato

Dagma’s Perfection Beefsteak Tomato

Dagma’s Perfection produces slightly flattened, a little bit ribbed beefsteak tomatoes of around 150-300 grams each. Pretty, ivory-white-yellow fruits, some with a pink blush as fully ripe. Firm but juicy, white flesh, sometimes with a pink blush. Fragrant, fruity-tropical, sweet tomato flavor with some hints of acidity. Created by Gary Ibsen and Dagma Lacey of Tomatofest in California, USA. Around 80-85D. Indeterminate. 10seeds/pack
Dakota Gold Tomato

Dakota Gold Tomato

Dakota Gold is a variety producing tomatoes of around 100-250grams each. Globe-shaped fruits with golden skin and flesh. Sweet and fruity tomato flavor. Bred to withstand harsh weather conditions. Cross between ‘Cannonball’ and ‘Sheyenne’ x ‘Fargo Yellow Pear’. Developed by Dr. Neal S. Holland in 1984, North Dakota State University. Indeterminate. 70-75D. 10seeds/pack
Damascus Steel Tomato

Damascus Steel Tomato

Damascus Steel produces round, normal-sized tomatoes around 60-100grams each. Stunningly beautiful multi-colored pink fruits in red-blue-orange-purple-green. Crack-resistant fruits with excellent sweet tomato flavor. This variety was supposed to be a dwarf variety but turned out to be an indeterminate, vining variety of tomato growing to about 200cm in height and spreads some width-wise depending on how much of the suckers are pruned and the choice of staking and support. Dean Slater. 75D. 10seeds/pack
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