Tarragon is a well-known, traditional herb also known as Estragon. Becomes perennial where the climate allows it. Can also be stored in a frost-free place during the winter if the climate is too cold. Grows to 90cm in height during the summer, as a perennial, it grows up to 150cm. Slender branches and lanceolate, green leaves. Excellent scent. Cultivated and used as an herb for culinary and medicinal purposes. Artemisia dracunculus. Around 350seeds/pack
Thyme is a very aromatic herb. Small, slightly silvery-green leaves with a characteristic scent. Small, light-purple flowers. Grows to about 20-30cm in height. Use fresh or dried. Can be grown as an annual but becomes perennial where the climate allows it. Can also be stored in a frost-free space if the winter is too cold. Thymus vulgaris. Around 300seeds/pack