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Hyacinth Bean

Hyacinth Bean is a climbing variety growing to more than 200cm in height. Beautiful purple flowers. Can be grown as an ornamental plant. Small, chubby pods, around 5cm. Native to Africa, cultivated throughout the tropics for food. Raw, dry seeds are poisonous though! Lablab purpureus. 10seeds/pack
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Delivery date: 3-4 weeks within EU

Hyacinth Bean is a climbing variety growing to more than 200cm in height. Beautiful purple flowers. Can be grown as an ornamental plant. Small, chubby pods, around 5cm. Native to Africa,  cultivated throughout the tropics for food. Raw, dry seeds are poisonous though! Lablab purpureus. 10seeds/pack

From most species of beans, you find both pole-varieties and bush-varieties. Also semi-trailing, medium-high varieties exist. Pole beans are climbing and need support, poles, nets, or other support. Bush beans normally grow to about 40cm high and 40cm wide, but also smaller and larger varieties exist. Bush beans normally don't dees support. 

How to Grow

Can be sown directly in the ground when the soil is warm. Can also be sown in pots for later planting in the garden, after the risk of frost is over.