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Bowling Pin produces elongated, irregular paste-type tomatoes, some with a pointy end and some with a blunt end, around 10cm long. Bright red fruits with firm and crispy texture. Meaty fruits that contain few seeds. Sweet and traditional tomato flavor. Indeterminate. 75-80D. 5seeds/pack
Paste-type tomatoes contain less water than "normal" tomatoes and are perfect for tomato sauce, puree, cooking, etc. The fruits are very firm and meaty and not so watery if cooked. Indeterminate tomato varieties will keep on growing the whole summer until the autumn frost. They will keep flowering and setting fruit. The sucker doesn't have to be pruned, but if not the plant will grow extremely large. 1-3 suckers could be spared along the main stem and the rest could be pruned. If not pruned at all the plant might tend to put energy into growing large instead of producing tomatoes on the main stem and the selected suckers. All indeterminate varieties could be staked or supported to avoid fruits laying on the ground.
For more information about how to grow this Tomato follow the link - How to Grow Tomatoes.